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[Line and Surface] (https://pile.sdbs.cz/item/101)
- https://kangyy1.wordpress.com/2014/01/02/vilem-flusser-writings-line-and-surface/
- https://thathasbeen.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/line-and-surface/
Codified World
- http://eaas.uni-freiburg.de/demo-flusser.html !!!
- https://aaaaarg.fail/ref/b394ff0944244fa201d8fe8621f1a0a2#0.01
https://adelheidmers.org/aweb/home.htm https://aphelis.net/lines-tim-ingold-vilem-flusser/
[The City as Wave-Trough in the Image Flood](https://pile.sdbs.cz/item/105
) The 324 Vile ´m Flusser / The City as Wave-Trough in the Image-Flood 4. Kabely ieldsa bit of word play here because it can mean both “wire(s)” and “cable” in the sense of “cable TV.” I have chosen “cable” here to give the sense of multiple lines of transmission that bring the public sphere into the private. public space pushes into the private thanks to cable 4 (as in the case of television). Private space pushes into public thanks to machines (like cars).
Everything is divisible, and there can be no individual. Not only can atoms be split into particles but so can all mental objects; actions become “aktomes,” decisions become “dezidemes,” perceptions become stimulations, representations become pixels.
the cathedral are seen as surface phenomena, as congealed, materialized masks, as a kind of archaeological kitchen trash. #blacksun