Fork 0
mirror of https://gitlab.com/sdbs_cz/digital-garden-anabasis.git synced 2025-03-04 18:07:53 +01:00
sdbs Terra c0b17af09e Automatic update, changed: .gitattributes, 000_start-here.md, Pasted image 20201009004929.png, _INFORM/audio_101.md, _INFORM/avg.md, _INFORM/consumer_habits_good.md, _INFORM/docs.md, _INFORM/ffmpeg.md, _INFORM/firefox.md, _INFORM/ipfs.md, _INFORM/linux_tips.md, _INFORM/manuals.md, _INFORM/ninjam.md, _INFORM/obs.md, _INFORM/online_toolbox.md, _INFORM/prg-wt.md, _INFORM/reaper.md, _INFORM/s.m.a.r.t.md, _INFORM/sdbs_selfhosting.md, _INFORM/start.md, _INFORM/supercollider.md, _INFORM/syncthing.md, _INFORM/telegram.md, _INFORM/video_101.md, areas.Algorithmic Editing.md, areas.anarcheology.md, areas.artificial intelligence.md, areas.music notation.md, areas.self-hosting.md, areas.stream.md, atlas_mnemosyne_desc.png, bicameral_idea.png, concepts.annotation.image.md, concepts.annotation.md, concepts.annotation.media.md, concepts.backlinks.md, concepts.bookmarking.md, concepts.digital garden.md, concepts.filesystem.md, concepts.filetag.md, concepts.flat-file.md, concepts.hypertext.md, concepts.knowledge managment.md, concepts.markup.md, concepts.memory.md, concepts.parallel textface.md, concepts.playlisting.md, data_wisdom_panel.png, dg_scheme.png, discuss_sum.png, docdrop_screenshot.png, folder_scheme.png, fulldocs.Speed and Information Cyberspace Alarm.md, fulldocs.tags-tallguyjenks.md, incubation.archives in art history.md, incubation.codes.md, incubation.decentralization.md, incubation.interface.md, incubation.knowledge graph.md, incubation.map.md, incubation.mediamateriality.md, incubation.openAI.md, incubation.speednote.md, incubation.wikipedia.md, lalalala.png, mapping_language.png, opio_viewer.png, pile.md, projects.ALEADUB.md, projects.lalar.md, projects.portfolio generator.md, projects.portfolio generator.pg_backup.md, projects.portfolio generator.portfolio cms.md, projects.sermon.md, projects.upend.md, projects.upend.upend_notes_tmp.pdf, tools.EDL.md, tools.archivebox.md, tools.dendron.md, tools.fediverse.md, tools.magenta.md, tools.magnet links.md, tools.markdown.md, tools.mastodon.md, tools.mermaid.md, tools.obsidian.md, tools.syncthing.md, tools.tagspaces.md
2021-01-01 16:31:15 +01:00

130 lines
4.1 KiB

TLDR firefox is more than browser. And browsers are more than browsers
were before.
Tips & Tricks
[inform - legacy
[Prevent Firefox from starting
### Security and usability 101
- [uBlock Origin](https://prism-break.org/en/projects/ublock-origin)
- [clearURLs](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/clearurls/)
### Unsorted
- dark mode for dark hipsters\' eyes
- [DarkReader](https://github.com/darkreader/darkreader) -
universal \"dark theme on every site\" addon
- [reddit // how do you make new tab page also
dark](https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/ijvhuo/how_do_you_make_this_new_tab_page_also_dark/) -
various ways to make new tab page also dark
- tabs
- [ctrl+tab
- [always-right](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/always-right/)
- youtube
- [youtube-classic](https://addons.mozilla.org/cs/firefox/addon/youtube-classic/) -
speeds up stuff; is better
- [h264ify](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/h264ify/) -
better formats
- [sponsorblock](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sponsorblock/) -
- downloading
- [download helper](https://www.downloadhelper.net/)
Firefox Account offers few [interesting
### Send \[OFFLINE\]
> Firefox Send is a free-to-use, online file-sending service, able to
> handle files up to 2.5 GB
> > All files are encrypted before being uploaded and decrypted on the
> > client after downloading. The encryption key is never sent to the
> > server.[^1]
There is also cool sidebar plugin -
### Sync
> Firefox Sync, originally branded Mozilla Weave,\[2\] is a browser
> synchronization feature for Firefox web browsers. It allows users **to
> partially synchronize bookmarks, browsing history, preferences,
> passwords, filled forms, add-ons, and the last 25 opened tabs** across
> multiple computers.\[3\] The feature is included in the desktop
> **Firefox browser, Firefox for iOS, and Firefox for Android**.It keeps
> user data on Mozilla servers, but according to Mozilla **the data is
> encrypted** in such a way that no third party, not even Mozilla, can
> access user information.\[4\] It is also possible for the user to host
> their own Firefox Sync servers, or indeed, for any entity to do
> so.\[5\][^2]
### Monitor
> It informs users if their email address and passwords used has been
> leaked in data breaches, using the database provided by Have I been
> Pwned? (HIBP)[^3]
### Lockwise
> Firefox Lockwise is **the password manager** of the Firefox web
> browser.\[5\]\[6\] On desktop, Lockwise is simply part of
> Firefox;\[7\] whereas on iOS and Android, it is also available as a
> standalone app. [^4]
- How to?
- <https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-remove-switch-firefox-profiles>
- Creating desktop shortcut to specific profile
- <http://kb.mozillazine.org/Shortcut_to_a_specific_profile>
- Plugin - Firefox Profile Maker (nice defaults) -
- <https://ffprofile.com>
[^1]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_Send>
[^2]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_Sync>
[^3]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_Monitor>
[^4]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_Lockwise>