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- [[concepts.map]]
- cities as metacities
- Zoli professes: “Each time, a city is inscribed into a long cultural sequence, of which it is the utmost incident”3.
- A city is a condition which more or less efficiently meets its citizens. Also it is a context within which consciousness develops. How would a historian describe the contemporary urban period in about 50 years from now?
- life in the metacity
- Cities are reduced in choice by Disneylanding themselves. It will become too perfect, there will be no more growth, and there will be a reduction of choice. But the visitors are expecting certain disneyfication in the city.but "of every Disneyland: you can't repurpose a theme park" (88).
## gibson
### interview about cities
> Necessity being one of invention's many mothers, I have a certain faith in our ability to repurpose almost anything, provided it becomes sufficiently necessary. Then again, I suspect we've abandoned cities in the past because they were too thoroughly built to do some specific something that's no longer required.
> The Internet, which I think of as a sort of meta-city, has made it possible for people who don't live in cities to master areas of expertise that previously required residence in a city, but I think it's still a faith in concentrated choice that drives migration to cities.
- ![[Pasted image 20210617195358.png]]
V rámci Světové výstavy EXPO 1910 která se konala v Bruselu vytvořil Otlet s La Fontainem instalaci Mundaneum jako utopickou vizi kosmopolitního „města intelektu.“ Za podpory belgické vlády se Otletův plán začal formovat do podoby enormní kolekce kartiček a dokumentů, tehdy nejmodernější technologie pro skladování informací. S iniciativou byla spojená i vyhledávací služba – uživatelé mohli poštou zaslat dotazy a za poplatek 27 franků na tisíc kartiček obdrželi odpověď. (ibid., s. 188–189)
## [[people.JaceClayton]]
> Recorded sound vibrates between history and pleasure. Live Sound exists only in the present. It cannot linger. This is one of the reasons why sound defines public space even more than architecture. Kids jamming that week's hit, neighbors fucking bchind a thin wall, the call to prayers divine layer competing with traffic's blare, the loud low boom of something blowing up-and its opposite, hilltop garden quiet. #las
> Architecture real or imagined-prompts memory so etfficiently because our brains are hardwired to recall things-in-places and unusual or -disturbing scenes. Memory-quiz champion envision fantastic images that correspond to what they want to remember and "place" each icon in some specific nook of their mental building. These mnemonic aids are called memory palaces. Their effectiveness speaks to how when a place is destroyed or erased, all the personal histories linked to it slip further into the past. #las |