
50 lines
2 KiB

{% extends "front_base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<div class="text">
<p class="intro"> This site is the sdbs pile, where we upload the stuff we consider important to the larger
conceptual and thematic landscape of what we do: "confronting apathy", inter-subjectivity, the human right
self-determination, counter-culture and such...</p>
<p class="intro czech">Tohle je hromádka zajímavýho materiálu co něco znamená v kontextu sdbs - budeme sem
postupně dávat ty nejdůležitější nebo nejzajímavější věci, zatim se o tom ale nikde moc nešiřte.</p>
<p class="intro sign">/-\</p>
<div class="text">
<h2>Random document</h2>
<div class="random-document">
<a href="{% url 'pile:document' random_document.id %}">
<span>#{{ random_document.id }}: {{ random_document.title }}</span>
<div class="index-listing-desc">
{% if random_document.tags.count > 0 %}
<div class="random-tags">Filed under: {{ random_document.tags.all | join:" / " }}</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="index-listing-desc">
{{ random_document.description }}
<div class="text recent-additions">
<h2>Recent additions</h2>
{% for document in recent_documents %}
<a href="{% url 'pile:document' document.id %}">
{% if document.uploaded %}
<em>({{ document.uploaded|date:"Y/m/d G:i:s" }})</em>
{% endif %}
{{ document.title }}
<div class="index-listing-desc">
{{ document.description }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}