# [[audio]] sample managment #fix #tosort #chaostream - https://www.sweetwater.com/sweetcare/articles/file-management-for-music-production/ ### list of tools - free ? - https://www.audiopluginsforfree.com/adsr-sample-manager/ - https://getsoundly.com/ - https://resonic.at/product-comparison - paid - https://www.sononym.net/ #linux - https://www.loopcloud.com/cloud/subscriptions/plans - http://www.ryaudio.com/ win7 - https://algonaut.audio/ #maps - https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/xo #maps - ? - https://baseheadinc.com/ - https://getsoundly.com/ - https://serato.com/sample - ehhh/aaah - https://medium.com/pragmatic-sound/how-to-manage-your-samples-and-sound-design-audio-files-1626b21ee6a - https://www.umlautaudio.com/blog/amplify-productivity-sample-management - aah - https://www.elektronauts.com/t/looking-for-a-sample-management-software/131437/8 - list of samplers - - https://www.soundsnap.com/blog/the-top-software-samplers-and-sample-players/ - sample rate converter - https://www.voxengo.com/product/r8brain/ ------------------------------------ [[concepts.Digital Asset Managment]] >tyldurd@framapiaf.org - Waves Cosmos: a free sample finder. It uses machine learning (AI, they say :-p) to auto-tag samples based on audio content. Really cool! > > #music_production #audio #sampling #daw​ > paul@post.lurk.org - I've been using #novembeat as an opportunity to actually try and use my experimental zettelkasten for managing my sample library. Each sample I've used has been tagged and annotated with timestamped observations in my zet. To date, my zet tells me I've done this process to 80 unique samples in my novembeats. > > The zet is same technology that powers my static HTML wiki, so there a little bit of a wiki component too! I will be posting those bits to my website. The samples, for practical storage and legal reasons, can't be included. But things are definitely starting to come together! > #personalwiki #zettelkasten #sampling​ > paul@post.lurk.org - I've been using #novembeat as an opportunity to actually try and use my experimental zettelkasten for managing my sample library. Each sample I've used has been tagged and annotated with timestamped observations in my zet. To date, my zet tells me I've done this process to 80 unique samples in my novembeats. > The zet is same technology that powers my static HTML wiki, so there a little bit of a wiki component too! I will be posting those bits to my website. The samples, for practical storage and legal reasons, can't be included. But things are definitely starting to come together! > #personalwiki #zettelkasten #sampling​ -------- - [Applying note-taking reflexes to making music](https://rosano.hmm.garden/01fvmvwv1p0te9nh86z4r2h82x) - [[concepts.digital garden]]