


_This [[vault]] can be opened through regular [[markdown]] editor, or [[knowledge managment]] tools like [[obsidian]]. This vault is being shared through [syncthing](syncthing.md)_

**It is also available at <https://garden.sdbs.cz>**

It is being served by gardenserver: https://gitlab.com/tmladek/gardenserver/


# DigitalGardenAnabasis starts here

Focus of this vault is collecting notes in these:

## Areas

- [[knowledge managment]] and [digital garden](digital%20garden.md)s
- [File tagging](filetag.md), [[digital asset managment]] and [[media annotation]] tools
- [self-hosting](self-hosting.md)
- [[file system]]s as non-hierarchical databases
- [[database art]]

## Projects
- [[UpEnd]]
- sdbs [[digital garden]]
	- [gardenserver](gardenserver.md)- markdown parser
	- [inform](https://inform.sdbs.cz) development
	- [pile](https://pile.sdbs.cz) inclusion
	- [gunk](https://ipfs.io/ipns/QmX3hGuNKRRogN12S6Gjg7s3TWDzjHLh25P4da9nBrTxKh/) gunking
- [portfolio generator](portfolio%20generator)
- [[feedfarm]] aka growing through [artificial_intelligence](artificial%20intelligence), [[mining]] and [[rendering]]
- lalalalala
	- ![](lalalala.png)
	- [rrr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzpunV7AeXo)


> A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.
>> [John Gall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gall_(author))

