# [[las]].future [[las.roadmap]] ## Footage / Motion_capture / Archive ### Interaction -->---> Animation ## Technicalia / conceplallia - endframes links to opposite side of canvas - how - hyperlink? like hyperdrive-anti-anchor - endless vs. not endless - more hyperlinks - more SVGs and/or zoom-svg-visuals overall - more videos - fix soundsauce for seemless situation - content-vice, no coding [yet?] - space bar signs - safety space bar signs to remind you to press spacebar in case of emergency - more anchors - cleanup of 101 ### User Interface / interaction - joystick - ddr - bigscreen - with webcam control? - [[fulldocs.twitter.zoomable_ui]]] ## Topicalia + [[las.missing]] - WSB - Electronic revolution - https://pile.sdbs.cz/item/61 - serpent theme - Wilson - Warburg - Cities theme - flusser - gibson - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychogeography - http://library.nothingness.org/articles/SI/en/display/2 - http://library.nothingness.org/articles/SI/en/display/87 - ## _Formulary for a New Urbanism_ - benjamin - arcade project - temporality theme - //as proposed - txt gifs - + - aarseth / ergodic literature - 1000 plates subcanvas - DNF - existenalism X postlanguage - space bar signs ## Rename --------------------------------- **Information is like a bank. Some of us are rich, some of us are poor with information. All of us can be rich. Our job - your job is to rob the bank, to kill the guard. We go out there to destroy everybody, who keeps and hides the whole information. Genesis P. Orridge **