- visionaries (aka [[concepts.trailblazers]])

[alan kay - tribute to ted nelson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnrlSqtpOkw) - konec
		- autotranscript [[fulldocs.youtube.alankay.tednelson]] 
		- [[people.AlanKay]] [[people.TedNelson]]
> visionaries are the most important  people we have because it is only by  comparing their ideas with our normals  that we can gauge how we are doing  otherwise as it is for most people  normal becomes their reality and they  only measure from it  toss Ted back into this mix and you've  upset the applecart  and that's what we need this allows us  to see that normal is only one of many  possible constructions and some of them  could have been a much better  and as the normals in the future could  be much better and very different from  what is considered reality today  let's be very thankful that we live in a  time in a place where two eye people are  not burnt at the stake or worse they  were really supported in in the 60s and  you're tolerated at least today and let  us also be thankful that we have a two  eyed person like tell Ted Nelson who has  been tirelessly energetic about not just  having ideas but going out and telling  people about them not letting them die  not letting them get absorbed into the  low-pass filter