> American experimental violinist and philosopher, who produced much of his music from the period between 60s and 80s. A number of reissues of his old material introduced his work to larger American public. He also was a member of Velvet Underground for a short time. > discogs ![[Pasted image 20230314212226.png]] - https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1070178530552475648.html - [[people.LaMonteYoung]] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Flynt - https://monoskop.org/Henry_Flynt - [[concepts.ConceptArt]] - https://www.e-flux.com/journal/115/374421/on-constitutive-dissociations-as-a-means-of-world-unmaking-henry-flynt-and-generative-aesthetics-redefined/ - http://www.henryflynt.org/