# fulldocs.twitter.zoomable\_ui https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1360841991383179266 > would it be right to say that "zoomable user interface" is 1. a complete success for maps and 2. a complete failure everywhere else? (if so, why?) ## links from thread - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOzmX2WpPZY - https://dasher.acecentre.net/ - https://blogs.harvard.edu/sj/2012/03/14/britannica-goes-out-of-print/ ## fucked copy of thread ](https://twitter.com/rsnous) would it be right to say that "zoomable user interface" is 1. a complete success for maps and 2. a complete failure everywhere else? (if so, why?) [  ](https://twitter.com/gordonbrander) One of my things is that the iPhone springboard is basically a simplified zoomable interface with two zoom levels. In the early days many of the icons intuitively read as mini cartoon versions of the app. [  ](https://twitter.com/rsnous) !! it did immediately stick out to me that Table 1 in [library.tuit.uz/knigiPDF/Ebsco](https://t.co/JdDuTYYmMW?amp=1) used the iPhone app launcher as its example of ZUI on the iPhone -- it's certainly not what I think of when I think of zooming on the phone [  ](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1360994830734659586/photo/1) [  ](https://twitter.com/pkerpedjiev) Nope. The standard way to view genomes is through zoomable user interfaces. See e.g. [  ](https://twitter.com/andy_matuschak) The only other interesting example I can think of is treemaps in data viz. I think you're generally right, and the other examples people are offering in this thread really aren't what was meant by "zoomable user interface." Decent bibliography/review here: [library.tuit.uz/knigiPDF/Ebsco](https://t.co/3ojIrpc5il?amp=1) [  ](https://twitter.com/morganherlocker) Few other digital objects can be subdivided so many times and still provide a useful chunk of information, viewed in isolation. Hard to imagine something like a CAD or a wav file where a 1/68 millionth (z18 of map quadtree) slice of the content is useful. [wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Zoom\_leve](https://t.co/IvEGybXq3E?amp=1) [  ](https://twitter.com/TimSDobbs) Maybe the way to think about it is that you zoom from factory>machine>part, or from discography>album>song>section>sample? We've parsed the fully zoomed-out version of maps, but not of other data [  ](https://twitter.com/Jermolene) Maps have semantic zooming, the most important quality of ZUIs: the elision and simplification of information as you zoom out to maintain comprehension. I was very excited about ZUIs from following ’s work in early 2000s, feel disappointed we haven’t made more of them [  ](https://twitter.com/metasj) Zooming through layered space, with compositing, tiling, and assigning a place + size + granularity to elements, is broadly useful but takes work to set up. Britannica Online attempted this for knowledge, but never launched. [  ](https://twitter.com/tylerangert) Not sure if this was mentioned already but the iOS photos app is a pretty great ZUI imo (especially since it both zooms out to see more content and let’s you scroll through time at larger / smaller intervals).