# Stream #OUTPOSTS #backbone #theory >While it is still true that everything on the Web is [digitally] preprogrammed, the notion of a dictatorship of the [hyper]link carries less weight. … The open architecture of the Web lends itself to the accumulation of analog effects. The increase in image and sound content alongside text provides more opportunities for resonance and interference between thought, sensation, and perception. A crucial point is that all the sense modalities are active in even the most apparently monosensual activity. … Given the meagerness of the constituent links on the level of formal inventiveness or uniqueness of content, what makes surfing the Web compelling can only be attributed to an accumulation of effect, or … momentum, continuing across the linkages. (Massumi, 2002: 140-141) >History decays into images, not into stories. > - Walter Benjamin, The Arcades Project, 476. ------------------------ ## conflicts ### Live vs. Background ### Active layer vs. passive perception ## toolsets ### [annotation](AREAS/DigitalGardenAnabasis/annotation) ![](docdrop_screenshot.png) #OUTPOSTS https://docdrop.org/ ### chat [sermon](sermon) https://github.com/gatteo/react-jitsi ------------------------ https://live.sdbs.cz ----------------------- https://upstage.org.nz/ ------------------------------------------- ## Related [[hypertext]] [[DigitalGardenAnabasis/annotation]] [[incubation.decentralization]]