# [[dga]].states
#tosort #chaosstream #moc


- state tags
	- #unsorted 
	- #tosort 
	- #chaostream / #chaosstream 
	- #techmech  
- prefix / categories
	- [[incubation]]. 
- ...
- categories - prefixes
	- 000 +
	- [[areas]]
	- [[concept]]
	- [[dga]]
	- [[fulldocs]]
	- [[incubation]]
	- [[inform]]
	- [[las]]
	- [[people]]
	- [[projects]]
	- [[tech]]
	- [[tools]]

- categories - sufixes
	- .[[annotation]]  
- categories - noorder
	- [[quotes]] 
	-  [[audio]]
	-  [[stream]]

## needed
- aggregation 
- curation / curated
- [[concepts.moc]]??

### media fix / folder???

## also see -- >> [[dga.flat.graph]]

## fix
### to fix cats and tags 
- audio
- stream
- linux
- tech 

### solutions
- linkage / crossbordering
	- --> parallel hierarchies
		- more lists? [[concepts.moc]] ??
- separation and tagging
	- --> keeping structure
		- more atoms?

#### how-to-fluid-hierarchy


## Adjacent
[[fulldocs.tags-tallguyjenks]] [[areas.filetag]] [[concepts.map]] [[Bottom up writing prevents confirmation bias and provide a shorter and iterative feedback loop]]