# Flucoma > The Fluid Corpus Manipulation project (FluCoMa) instigates new musical ways of exploiting ever-growing banks of sound and gestures within the digital composition process, by bringing breakthroughs of signal decomposition DSP and machine learning to the toolset of techno-fluent computer composers, creative coders and digital artists. ## Download 64 bit - https://www.flucoma.org/download/ - supercollider - https://learn.flucoma.org/installation/sc/ - puredata - max/msp ## Tutorials - https://learn.flucoma.org/getting-started/ - https://learn.flucoma.org/learn/decomposition-overview/ - https://learn.flucoma.org/reference/bufnmf/ - **!** vocoder like but concatenative - https://learn.flucoma.org/explore/roma/ hardware - https://learn.flucoma.org/learn/2d-corpus-explorer/ - concatenative in sc - https://discourse.flucoma.org/t/concatenative-synthesis-sc/1850/5 - https://discourse.flucoma.org/t/applications-of-flucoma-and-concatenative-synthesis/1855 ## ONLY 32bit wavs!!! ### Patches - pointzero - https://encanti.gumroad.com/l/kqtXF - probably needs full max - SP tools - https://rodrigoconstanzo.com/sp-tools/ - - https://rodrigoconstanzo.com/combine/ - also M4L or runtime - https://discourse.flucoma.org/t/soundscaper-soundscape-generation-patch-made-with-flucoma/1711/3 - for MAx #### ReaComa *Reaper scripts integration - https://discourse.flucoma.org/t/using-flucoma-tools-with-reaper/311/52 - https://github.com/ReaCoMa/ReaCoMa-2.0 **!!!** - https://phd.jamesbradbury.net/tech/reacoma/ - after installation - new action and add scripts from reacoma librayr ##### Notes NMF - non negative matrix factorization HPSS - harmonic percussive source separation ## Gadgets - supports - https://www.ultraleap.com/product/leap-motion-controller/#pricingandlicensing cca 3000 czk ### raspberry pi 4 - https://discourse.flucoma.org/t/compiling-for-raspberry-pi-4/1652/15