diff --git a/pages/incubation.archives in art history.md b/pages/incubation.archives in art history.md index 577533b..3e2f3e2 100644 --- a/pages/incubation.archives in art history.md +++ b/pages/incubation.archives in art history.md @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ - https://web.archive.org/web/20171113093551/http://zkm.de/en/blog/2016/10/what-can-be-done-with-images - https://markamerika.com/news/from-the-zkm-collection-writing-the-history-of-the-future - [Cornell Uni - Ten panels from the Mnemosyne Atlas](https://warburg.library.cornell.edu/) +- [From rhizome perspective?](https://contempaesthetics.org/newvolume/pages/article.php?articleID=812#FN3) ### Aby Warburg >There were other problems that made the work on the Atlas an infinite endeavour. Warburg was a technophile. He was interested in telecommunication, the press and travelling; all these new technologies enabled new forms of travelling, but also prolonged the old idea of migration that connected civilizations from the beginning. _Technology_, for example in the form of printing,was also the direct link between Dürer’s engravings and the 28 telephones in his avant-garde library building. He had already written an article entitled „Airship and submarine in medieval imagination“ that suggested that former societies had anticipated what he called “vehicles of thought” and imagination that we dispose of today. Images were their vehicles.