Automatic update, changed:

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sdbs Terra 2022-03-13 12:04:48 +01:00
parent e469f44ca5
commit 3ea98a9586
7 changed files with 55 additions and 1 deletions

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# Holon
>Koestler's [materialistic]( "Materialism") account argues that the personal experience of [duality]( "Mind-body dualism") arises from what Koestler calls a _[holon]( "Holon (philosophy)")_. The notion of a holon emerges from the observation that everything in the nature is both a whole and a part. It is true for atoms, which are wholes in themselves, but also parts of molecules, of molecules, which can be both wholes and parts of cells, and of cells, which are both autonomous units and parts of organisms. It is also true for human beings, who have an independent life and are part of social systems. Every holon is willing to express two contradictory tendencies: to express itself, and to disappear into something greater. For humans, those tendencies lead to an error in development: we create collective units that are based on the oppression of some individuals and on the inflated egos of others. This is for Koestler an error of transcendence that is reflected in a poor integration of our reptilian brain and cognitive brain.
> --
## Ghost in the Machine
> Following the holon of humanity down to its roots, the work explains humanity's tendency toward self-destruction in terms of brain structure, philosophies, and its overarching, cyclical politicalhistorical dynamics, reaching the height of its potential in the nuclear arms arena.
>One of the book's central concepts is that as the human [triune brain]( "Triune brain") has evolved, it has retained and built upon earlier, more primitive brain structures. The head portion of the "[ghost in the machine]( "Ghost in the machine")" has, as a consequence of poor, inadequate connections, a rich potential for conflict. The primitive layers can, and may, together, overpower rational logic's hold. This explains a person's [hate]( "Hate"), [anger]( "Anger") and other such [emotional distress]( "Stress (biology)").
### OG
>There is a doctrine about the nature and place of the [mind]( "Mind") which is prevalent among [theorists]( "Theorist"), to which most [philosophers]( "Philosopher"), [psychologists]( "Psychologist") and religious teachers subscribe with minor reservations. Although they admit certain theoretical difficulties in it, they tend to assume that these can be overcome without serious modifications being made to the architecture of the theory.... [The doctrine states that] with the doubtful exceptions of the mentally-incompetent and infants-in-arms, every human being has both a body and a mind.... The body and the mind are ordinarily harnessed together, but after the death of the body the mind may continue to exist and function.
> --
## Adjacent
- [[concepts.rhizome]]
- [[people.Martinus]]

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- [[concepts.context]]
- [[]]
- [[1000p]]
- [[incubation.puzzles]]
- [[incubation.puzzles]]
- [[concept.holon]]

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## Symbols
>The symbols are made up of figures, colours and lines, each illustrating specific areas of the cosmic analyses. Martinus has thus created a physical illustration of spiritual realities that are otherwise inaccessible to our physical sensory perception. This physical visibility makes it easier for us to focus our thoughts on spiritual phenomena and to study them in a systematic and purposeful way, as we are accustomed to doing with physical objects and phenomena.
>You can liken the symbols to maps. They provide a symbolic representation of the spiritual and cosmic realities, in the same way as maps provide a symbolic representation of geographical realities.
### Symbol 33 - `Animal and Human Thought Climates`
![[Pasted image 20220312220410.png]]
#### explanation
>The terrestrial human being is at a transition stage between animal and human being. It has an animal consciousness that is degenerating and a human consciousness that is growing. This transformation is not an act of will but is a matter of maturity and evolution, in the same way as becoming a musical or artistic genius or the like is. Being able to love ones neighbour as oneself is the same as being a moral genius. The principal, cosmic, organic foundation for the transformation of the living being from animal to human being is its faculty for sympathy with the masculine pole and the feminine pole. The relationship of these poles to one another is the cause of the beings appearance as a being of the male sex, the female sex or the human sex, the latter being the finished human being in Gods image. The relationship of the poles to one another forms the basis for war as well as peace; the poles are the main organs for the formation of the human beings fate. They maintain the principle of contrast through which the possibility for all forms of sensory perception exist.
![[Pasted image 20220312220433.png]]
### Vol. 5
>The human body as a stellar system — The human beings atomic world and the basic energies — The healthy human organism — Illness in the human organism — A microcosmic stellar system. The organic, atomic world  — The universe of instinct. The atom of instinct and the solar system of instinct — The universe of gravity. The atom of gravity and the solar system of gravity — The universe of feeling.  The atom of feeling and the solar system of feeling — The atom of intelligence and the solar system of intelligence — The universe of intuition. The atom of intuition and the solar system of intuition — The universe of memory. The atom of memory and the solar system of memory — Healthy atomic activity in the organism — The explosion of electrons in the human beings atomic world — Atomic poisoning — The energy of gravitys penetration of the area of feeling — The energy of feelings penetration of the area of gravity — The energy of feelings penetration of the area of instinct — The energy of intuitions penetration of the area of feeling — The energy of intuitions penetration of the area of intelligence — The energy of gravitys penetration of the area of intuition — The effect of the atomic catastrophes in the organism — The human being with the perfect thought climate — Animal and vegetarian food — The vibrations of the ideal food — Gastric acid, cooking and food — Animal digestion — Vegetarian digestion — The fate element and talent kernels during discarnation — The fate element and talent kernels during incarnation — The defective organism  — The defective organism and the fate element — The destruction of the human beings talent kernels — The cosmic spiral cycle 2. The imperfect human being — The cosmic spiral cycle 2. The perfect human being.
![[Pasted image 20220312220002.png]]
## Adjacent
- [[]]
- [[people.ClaudeBragdon]]
- [[people.TerenceMcKenna]]