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synced 2025-03-04 18:07:53 +01:00
Automatic update, changed: concepts.map.sync-conflict-20220218-135155-ZL4KNMY.md, concepts.playlisting.sync-conflict-20211214-214023-ZL4KNMY.md, concepts.playlisting.sync-conflict-20220218-135155-ZL4KNMY.md, las.roadmap.sync-conflict-20220120-202939-RV6TNJU.md, linux.server.sync-conflict-20220123-170308-HIYJI7N.md, linux.server.sync-conflict-20220123-180308-HIYJI7N.md, linux.server.sync-conflict-20220123-180318-HIYJI7N.md
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 0 additions and 438 deletions
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
# Map
## Mapping [[quotes]]
>what is the map is not a bug, it's a future
>> delojza ([KSX byproduct](https://kunsaxan.sdbs.cz/)) [markov chain generator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain)
>Because there is no limit to the number of possible map projections, there can be no comprehensive list.
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_map_projections
> a map is a (usually fixed) representation to help navigate a space—it wouldn’t necessarily contain the kind of qualitative inquiry you’re referring to.
>> https://forum.obsidian.md/t/lyt-kit-now-downloadable/390
> Unlike the graphic arts, drawing, or photography, unlike tracings, the rhizome pertains to a map that must be produced, constructed, a map that is always detachable, connectable, reversible, modifiable, and has multiple entryways and exits and its own lines of flight.
> What distinguishes the map from the tracing is that it is entirely oriented toward an experimentation in contact with the real. The map does not reproduce an unconscious closed in upon itself; it constructs the unconscious. It fosters connections between fields, the removal of blockages on bodies without organs, the maximum opening of bodies without organs onto a plane of consistency. It is itself a part of the rhizome. The map is open and connectable in all of its dimensions; it is detachable, reversible, susceptible to constant modification. It can be torn, reversed, adapted to any kind of mounting, reworked by an individual, group, or social formation. It can be drawn on a wall, conceived of as a work of art, constructed as a political action or as a meditation.
> - DnG - ATP [[1000p]]
> ![[JamesCorner_AgencyOfMapping2021-07-18 20-56-45.png.annotations]]> > [[JamesCorner_AgencyOfMapping2021-07-18 20-56-45.png.annotations]]
> Indeed, Carter refers to the ‘inertia and levelling of possibilities’, even political impossibility, designers face in trying to realize projects out of the ordinary in a mass democracy. Because of the duality of a map – that is both analogous to reality yet abstracted from it – and hence its association with objectivity, truth and neutrality, the process of mapping offers a potent vehicle for the actualization of theory in the built environment, especially at the urban scale.
> Half a century before Corner, in “On Exactitude in Science,” Jorge Luis Borges had presaged the uselessness of cartography as tracing. In Borges’s tale, a gigantic, over-detailed map is abandoned specifically because of its redundancy with the actual territory. Corner cites Borges to support his argument that mappings as replicas are worthless. Indeed, maps cannot be entirely objective, as representing spatiality entails some form of cultural situatedness. The techniques of ‘drift’, ‘layering’, ‘game-board’ and ‘rhizomes’ are described by Corner as practices in contemporary design and planning that open up new possibilities for mapping. Such thematic techinques share a personal approach to territorial representation, the contestation of dominant images of the city as well as the multiplicity and decentering of mappings. Challenging the traditional conception of static space, Corner aims for a return to the original exploratory character of mapping, not physically like the first explorers, but creatively through mind.
> - Camille Bédard
> - https://architecturesofspatialjustice.wordpress.com/2012/10/09/agency_mapping/
> Drift- This are the maps which are created using series of explanations and participatory acts with no rules to it. This helps in mapping some of the hidden topographies in the city.
> Layering- In this the city or the place is divided in terms of layers which are superimposed on one another, each of the layer here shows a different mapped aspect of that place.
> Game-board- Maps are kept as a game board with particular game rules and anyone can take part in this game, it’s like a competition which helps in negotiating some of the complex planning decisions.
> Rhizome- It has a concept of open ended maps in which a point connects to any other point, this type of maps always be in the middle with no beginning or end to it. This is a continuous process and different aspects keep on adding to the map in terms of point connections.
> - https://ideabatch2.wordpress.com/2017/01/25/the-agency-of-mapping-speculation-critique-and-invention-james-corner-edited-by-denis-cosgrove-1999-divyarajsinh-rana/
## [[fulldocs]].at.garage
- [[fulldocs.twitter.booksasmaps]]
- https://old.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/mvs0vf/what_books_are_for_a_response_to_why_books_dont/
- [[fulldocs.mastodon.gis]]
## Questions of perspective
### Space
- https://www.boredpanda.com/different-perspective-telephoto-lens-vs-wide-angle-philip-davali-olafur-steinar-ry/
### Time
- https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/chronotopic-cartographies/
## Linking / visualising

## Language
### mapping neuromancer
- https://cindyjuheunlee.blogspot.com/2011/11/proposal-for-mapping.html
## Adjacent
- [[1000p]]
- [[concepts.topology]]
- [[concepts.topography]]
- [[concepts.disambiguation]]
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
# Playlist
#incubation #chaosstream #radio
## 101
this is place to colect flows and notions around
- playlist
- curatorship
- channeling
- streaming
as gamechangers of culture `consumption`
## Flows and notions
> “You didn’t need specialist poets to create this kind of musicalised language, and the diction is very simple, so this was clearly a democratising form of literature. We’re getting an exciting glimpse of a form of oral pop culture that lay under the surface of classical culture.”
>> - https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/sep/08/i-dont-care-text-shows-modern-poetry-began-much-earlier-than-believed
>In 1989, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. By the dawn of the ’90s, the internet had awakened everyone to new technological possibilities. Similarly, music and music listeners were becoming more forward-thinking than ever before. Grunge and heavy metal met in the gauntlet; hip-hop traveled from the underground to the pop charts (N.W.A. out-charted R.E.M. in 1991); pop music became more daring; electronic music began its ascent from small clubs to festival stages. 1991 marked the start of this aggressive reinvention. It was a year that shaped the music we’ve heard for the last three decades. Even today, these 13 albums that were once in rotation in six-disc Sony stereos are responsible for current digital playlists.
>> https://www.spin.com/photos/1991-albums-shaped-future-music/
>https://mamot.fr/@pluralistic/106359487243544156 pluralistic@mamot.fr - Thus, when the internet was demilitarized and the general public started trickling - and then rushing - to use it, there was a widespread hope that we might break free of the tyranny of concentrated, linear programming (in the sense of "what's on," and "what it does to you").
>Much of the excitement over Napster wasn't about getting music for free - it was about the mix-tapification of all music, where your custom playlists would replace the linear album.
>Songs circulate online among fans for whom an MP3 player set to Shuffle trumps conventional genre as an organizing principle. Refined tastes intertwine with semi-random surf trails to become indistinguishable from each other. Timelines fray, genealogies wander. These under-the-radar exchanges generally happen outside commercial spheres, adding to the fertile mess. You must sift through a lot of junky MP3s to uncover the great ones, but in the end, all the world's sonic secrets are out there, clumped irregularly across the Internet's flat and mighty sprawl. A catchy genre name or evocative creation myth can make the output of a few friends appear as a bustling scene to outside eyes, and the online hype can turn into a selffulfilling prophecy if global excitement trickles down into actual gigs.
>> [[people.JaceClayton]]
![[Pasted image 20210713135730.png]]
## Links
- [Programming Your Own Channel](https://graceoneill.wordpress.com/2009/05/08/programming-your-own-channel/)
- [Contextualize Your Listening: The Playlist as Recommendation Engine](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
- [DJ-boids: emergent collective behavior as multichannel radio station programming](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/604045.604089)
- https://www.economist.com/europe/2021/03/31/how-netflix-is-creating-a-common-european-culture
- [Aggregators aren't open-ended - by Gordon Brander - Subconscious](https://via.hypothes.is/https://subconscious.substack.com/p/aggregators-arent-open-ended )
- https://www.documentjournal.com/2021/01/the-internet-didnt-kill-counterculture-you-just-wont-find-it-on-instagram/
## Adjacent
- [incubation.anarcheology](incubation.anarcheology.md)
- [[incubation.attention.economy]]
- [[concepts.linearity]]
- [[incubation.compression]]
- [[people.JaceClayton]]
- [[concepts.hypertext]]
- [[incubation.mediamateriality]]
- [[areas.stream]]
## #techmech
- http://websdr.org/
![[Pasted image 20211027162958.png]]
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# Playlist
#incubation #chaosstream #radio
## 101
this is place to colect flows and notions around
- playlist
- curatorship
- channeling
- streaming
as gamechangers of culture `consumption`
## Flows and notions
> “You didn’t need specialist poets to create this kind of musicalised language, and the diction is very simple, so this was clearly a democratising form of literature. We’re getting an exciting glimpse of a form of oral pop culture that lay under the surface of classical culture.”
>> - https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/sep/08/i-dont-care-text-shows-modern-poetry-began-much-earlier-than-believed
>In 1989, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. By the dawn of the ’90s, the internet had awakened everyone to new technological possibilities. Similarly, music and music listeners were becoming more forward-thinking than ever before. Grunge and heavy metal met in the gauntlet; hip-hop traveled from the underground to the pop charts (N.W.A. out-charted R.E.M. in 1991); pop music became more daring; electronic music began its ascent from small clubs to festival stages. 1991 marked the start of this aggressive reinvention. It was a year that shaped the music we’ve heard for the last three decades. Even today, these 13 albums that were once in rotation in six-disc Sony stereos are responsible for current digital playlists.
>> https://www.spin.com/photos/1991-albums-shaped-future-music/
>https://mamot.fr/@pluralistic/106359487243544156 pluralistic@mamot.fr - Thus, when the internet was demilitarized and the general public started trickling - and then rushing - to use it, there was a widespread hope that we might break free of the tyranny of concentrated, linear programming (in the sense of "what's on," and "what it does to you").
>Much of the excitement over Napster wasn't about getting music for free - it was about the mix-tapification of all music, where your custom playlists would replace the linear album.
>Songs circulate online among fans for whom an MP3 player set to Shuffle trumps conventional genre as an organizing principle. Refined tastes intertwine with semi-random surf trails to become indistinguishable from each other. Timelines fray, genealogies wander. These under-the-radar exchanges generally happen outside commercial spheres, adding to the fertile mess. You must sift through a lot of junky MP3s to uncover the great ones, but in the end, all the world's sonic secrets are out there, clumped irregularly across the Internet's flat and mighty sprawl. A catchy genre name or evocative creation myth can make the output of a few friends appear as a bustling scene to outside eyes, and the online hype can turn into a selffulfilling prophecy if global excitement trickles down into actual gigs.
>> [[people.JaceClayton]]
## Links
- [Programming Your Own Channel](https://graceoneill.wordpress.com/2009/05/08/programming-your-own-channel/)
- [Contextualize Your Listening: The Playlist as Recommendation Engine](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
- [DJ-boids: emergent collective behavior as multichannel radio station programming](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/604045.604089)
- https://www.economist.com/europe/2021/03/31/how-netflix-is-creating-a-common-european-culture
- [Aggregators aren't open-ended - by Gordon Brander - Subconscious](https://via.hypothes.is/https://subconscious.substack.com/p/aggregators-arent-open-ended )
- https://www.documentjournal.com/2021/01/the-internet-didnt-kill-counterculture-you-just-wont-find-it-on-instagram/
## Adjacent
- [incubation.anarcheology](incubation.anarcheology.md)
- [[incubation.attention.economy]]
- [[concepts.linearity]]
- [[incubation.compression]]
- [[people.JaceClayton]]
- [[concepts.hypertext]]
- [[incubation.mediamateriality]]
- [[areas.stream]]
## #techmech
- http://websdr.org/
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
## v0.1
## v0.2
- add content
- text
- viz [[las.future]]
- video
- archive
- interaction
## v0.3
- interaction
- gamepad
- joystick
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# linux server
##### adjacent
[[NAS]][[NAS - albedo]] [[linux]] [[raspberry pi]]
## Distros
### debian
### #unsorted
- https://thishosting.rocks/best-lightweight-linux-distros/
- https://www.truenas.com/truenas-core/
- https://perfectmediaserver.com/tech-stack/proxmox.html
- https://www.lions-wing.net/lessons/servers/home-server.html
## software
- https://pi-hole.net/
- [[tools.archivebox]]
- samba
- qbittorrent
- syncthing
- deja dup?
- ipfs [[ipfs.selfhosting]]
- wallabag
- netdata
- https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/best-linux-home-server-apps/
- https://github.com/zilexa/Homeserver
- https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
### cli
- https://twitter.com/amilajack/status/1479328649820000256?s=20
- `exa`, `htop` (samozrejme), a pouzivaval jsem `duf` . `zoxide`
- https://github.com/ibraheemdev/modern-unix
### media and streaming
- plex - https://www.plex.tv/
- https://radarr.video/
- jellyfin - https://jellyfin.org/
## 101
- https://linuxhint.com/run_linux_command_script_sys_reboot/
## threads
- https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeServer/comments/rsaj81/doing_a_lot_with_old_cheap_hardware/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/6sab9c/debian_or_ubuntu_for_home_server/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/DistroHopping/comments/neb5l1/lightweight_distro_for_little_home_server/
- https://www.partitionwizard.com/clone-disk/lightweight-linux-distro.html
- https://www.linuxserver.io/blog/2015-03-24-setting-up-a-linux-home-server-using-the-hp-proliant-microserver-gen8-g1610t-3
- https://linustechtips.com/topic/1158827-best-linux-os-for-multi-purpose-home-server/?__cf_chl_tk=q2G._0ZAgY0ijRfJ2hnaP_e3q9uwx1fUYFbFHT0Om1k-1641223192-0-gaNycGzNB6U
- https://www.pcworld.com/article/406209/how-to-have-a-linux-home-server-on-the-cheap.html
## thin
- https://boratory.net/things-to-do-with-a-thin-client/
- https://linustechtips.com/topic/1199977-thin-client-as-home-server-filesmedia/?__cf_chl_tk=o2TufiRAN307O015vk35aU6N6aC9UUi5iOc4afI3gJQ-1642071753-0-gaNycGzNBqU
## Adjacent
- [[linux.bash]]
- [[incubation.screen]]
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# linux server
##### adjacent
[[NAS]][[NAS - albedo]] [[linux]] [[raspberry pi]]
## Distros
### debian
### #unsorted
- https://thishosting.rocks/best-lightweight-linux-distros/
- https://www.truenas.com/truenas-core/
- https://perfectmediaserver.com/tech-stack/proxmox.html
- https://www.lions-wing.net/lessons/servers/home-server.html
## software
- https://pi-hole.net/
- [[tools.archivebox]]
- samba
- qbittorrent
- syncthing
- deja dup?
- ipfs [[ipfs.selfhosting]]
- wallabag
- netdata
- https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/best-linux-home-server-apps/
- https://github.com/zilexa/Homeserver
- https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
### cli
- https://twitter.com/amilajack/status/1479328649820000256?s=20
- `exa`, `htop` (samozrejme), a pouzivaval jsem `duf` . `zoxide`
- https://github.com/ibraheemdev/modern-unix
### media and streaming
- plex - https://www.plex.tv/
- https://radarr.video/
- jellyfin - https://jellyfin.org/
## 101
- https://linuxhint.com/run_linux_command_script_sys_reboot/
## threads
- https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeServer/comments/rsaj81/doing_a_lot_with_old_cheap_hardware/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/6sab9c/debian_or_ubuntu_for_home_server/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/DistroHopping/comments/neb5l1/lightweight_distro_for_little_home_server/
- https://www.partitionwizard.com/clone-disk/lightweight-linux-distro.html
- https://www.linuxserver.io/blog/2015-03-24-setting-up-a-linux-home-server-using-the-hp-proliant-microserver-gen8-g1610t-3
- https://linustechtips.com/topic/1158827-best-linux-os-for-multi-purpose-home-server/?__cf_chl_tk=q2G._0ZAgY0ijRfJ2hnaP_e3q9uwx1fUYFbFHT0Om1k-1641223192-0-gaNycGzNB6U
- https://www.pcworld.com/article/406209/how-to-have-a-linux-home-server-on-the-cheap.html
## thin
- https://boratory.net/things-to-do-with-a-thin-client/
- https://linustechtips.com/topic/1199977-thin-client-as-home-server-filesmedia/?__cf_chl_tk=o2TufiRAN307O015vk35aU6N6aC9UUi5iOc4afI3gJQ-1642071753-0-gaNycGzNBqU
## Adjacent
- [[linux.bash]]
- [[incubation.screen]]
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
# linux server
##### adjacent
[[NAS]][[NAS - albedo]] [[linux]] [[raspberry pi]]
## Distros
### debian
### #unsorted
- https://thishosting.rocks/best-lightweight-linux-distros/
- https://www.truenas.com/truenas-core/
- https://perfectmediaserver.com/tech-stack/proxmox.html
- https://www.lions-wing.net/lessons/servers/home-server.html
## software
- https://pi-hole.net/
- [[tools.archivebox]]
- samba
- qbittorrent
- syncthing
- deja dup?
- ipfs [[ipfs.selfhosting]]
- wallabag
- netdata
- https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/best-linux-home-server-apps/
- https://github.com/zilexa/Homeserver
- https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
### cli
- https://twitter.com/amilajack/status/1479328649820000256?s=20
- `exa`, `htop` (samozrejme), a pouzivaval jsem `duf` . `zoxide`
- https://github.com/ibraheemdev/modern-unix
### media and streaming
- plex - https://www.plex.tv/
- https://radarr.video/
- jellyfin - https://jellyfin.org/
## desktop enviroment
## 101
- https://linuxhint.com/run_linux_command_script_sys_reboot/
## threads
- https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeServer/comments/rsaj81/doing_a_lot_with_old_cheap_hardware/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/6sab9c/debian_or_ubuntu_for_home_server/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/DistroHopping/comments/neb5l1/lightweight_distro_for_little_home_server/
- https://www.partitionwizard.com/clone-disk/lightweight-linux-distro.html
- https://www.linuxserver.io/blog/2015-03-24-setting-up-a-linux-home-server-using-the-hp-proliant-microserver-gen8-g1610t-3
- https://linustechtips.com/topic/1158827-best-linux-os-for-multi-purpose-home-server/?__cf_chl_tk=q2G._0ZAgY0ijRfJ2hnaP_e3q9uwx1fUYFbFHT0Om1k-1641223192-0-gaNycGzNB6U
- https://www.pcworld.com/article/406209/how-to-have-a-linux-home-server-on-the-cheap.html
## thin
- https://boratory.net/things-to-do-with-a-thin-client/
- https://linustechtips.com/topic/1199977-thin-client-as-home-server-filesmedia/?__cf_chl_tk=o2TufiRAN307O015vk35aU6N6aC9UUi5iOc4afI3gJQ-1642071753-0-gaNycGzNBqU
## Adjacent
- [[linux.bash]]
- [[incubation.screen]]
Reference in a new issue