initial commit.

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Tomáš Mládek 2020-10-30 10:22:55 +01:00
commit 139c355c8d
80 changed files with 3640 additions and 0 deletions

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_This [[vault]] can be opened through regular [[markdown]] editor, or [[knowledge managment]] tools like [[obsidian]]. This vault is being shared through [syncthing](
**It is also available at <>**
It is being served by gardenserver:
# DigitalGardenAnabasis starts here
Focus of this vault is collecting notes in these:
## Areas
- [[knowledge managment]] and [digital garden](
- [File tagging](, [[digital asset managment]] and [[media annotation]] tools
- [self-hosting](
- [[file system]]s as non-hierarchical databases
- [[database art]]
## Projects
- [[UpEnd]]
- sdbs [[digital garden]]
- [gardenserver]( markdown parser
- [inform]( development
- [pile]( inclusion
- [gunk]( gunking
- [portfolio generator](portfolio%20generator)
- [[feedfarm]] aka growing through [artificial_intelligence](artificial%20intelligence), [[mining]] and [[rendering]]
- lalalalala
- ![](lalalala.png)
- [rrr](
> A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.
>> [John Gall](

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## Questions
- [ ] time-bounded / eternal?
- pro "Meier album" napr...
- [ ] mozna trochu jiny projekt - mnohem omezenejsi scope?
## [[tml]] tech notes
- basic workflow
- **aleadub composer**
- event sources
- gridful
- = stanovit BPM (slejt samply do gridy?)
- grid-aligned, 3-leveled e.g.
- every 1st beat, every 3rd beat
- every 2nd beat, every 2nd bar
- every 1st beat, every 3rd bar, every 2nd phrase
- per-N beats ([Eucledian rhythms](
- cellular automata (!)
- gridless
- chaos-theory stuff
- [Double pendulum]( thresholding
- attractors? dunno
- external
- video transitions, etc.
- generative modes
- linear
- one-shots ("one-time")
- unprocessed, uncut, played as-is
- "appearances"
- event-aligned fade-in/fade-out
- crops of larger segments
- can repeat (form "Keynote sounds")
- flows ("fluid")
- event-aligned x-fades, continuous
- semispatial
- virtualni 2D prostor ve kterem jsou umisteny zvuky
- "posluchac" se hybe
- vytvari temporalni kohezi
- dojem "Soundmark"
- entity se hybou, maji agendy?
- nebo nejake atrakce / opozice, brownian motion
- __"uplne jiny"__
- {{embed: ((dnRfmJr-E))}}
- overarching processes
- ("nalada" kompozice)
- long-term parameter progress - ovlivnuje napr.
- vyber one-shot
- from lightsoft / chill -> heavydark / extrem
- from "Biophony" -> "Anthropophony"
- DSP efekty (reverby, echa, rychlosti, atd.)
- [[EDL]] mezi-format
- `duration`
- `tracks[]`
- `segment`
- `location` (url, filepath)
- `start` (in file)
- `duration`
- `start` (in composition)
- `keyframes[]`
- `volume` (0.0 - 1.0)
- `timestamp`
- __existujici formaty (no libraries, too heavy-handed)__
- ".[[[[EDL]]]] jako soupiska aranze ?"
- - AES31
- OpenTL
- output
- offline renderer
- pres [pydub](
- online in-browser player
- pro "DEAD ALEA DUB", "Meier album"?
- [Soundscape](
- Schafer
- Keynote sounds
- This is a musical term that identifies the key of a piece, not always audible ... the key might stray from the original, but it will return. The keynote sounds may not always be heard consciously, but they "outline the character of the people living there" (Schafer). They are created by nature (geography and climate): wind, water, forests, plains, birds, insects, animals. In many urban areas, traffic has become the keynote sound.
- Sound signals
- These are foreground sounds, which are listened to consciously; examples would be warning devices, bells, whistles, horns, sirens, etc.
- Soundmark
- This is derived from the term landmark. A soundmark is a sound which is unique to an area. In his 1977 book, The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World, Schafer wrote, "Once a Soundmark has been identified, it deserves to be protected, for soundmarks make the acoustic life of a community unique."[18]
- Bernie Kraus
- Geophony
- Consisting of the prefix, geo (gr. earth), and phon (gr. sound), this refers to the soundscape sources that are generated by non-biological natural sources such as wind in the trees, water in a stream or waves at the ocean, and earth movement, the first sounds heard on earth by any sound-sentient organism.
- Biophony
- Consisting of the prefix, bio (gr. life) and the suffix for sound, this term refers to all of the non-human, non-domestic biological soundscape sources of sound.
- Anthropophony
- Consisting of the prefix, anthro (gr. human), this term refers to all of the sound signatures generated by humans.
- Stochastic
- Xenakis
- Specific examples of mathematics, statistics, and physics applied to music composition are the use of the statistical mechanics of gases in Pithoprakta, statistical distribution of points on a plane in Diamorphoses, minimal constraints in Achorripsis, the normal distribution in ST/10 and Atrées, Markov chains in Analogiques, game theory in Duel and Stratégie, group theory in Nomos Alpha (for Siegfried Palm), set theory in Herma and Eonta (Chrissochoidis, Houliaras, and Mitsakis 2005), and Brownian motion in N'Shima
- Meier album
- [ ] mozna trochu jiny projekt - mnohem omezenejsi scope?
- dubs + remixy na stemy
- .[[[[EDL]]]] jako soupiska aranze ?
- soundtypes
- eventless
- one-time
- fluid
- eventful
- rhytm
- riff
- meta
- bpm list
- fragment / parenten
### Alealists
- alealists
- playlists
- aka KSX specials
- name
- as of date
- playback notes
- random
- optional crossfades
## Theory
- [Netflix's biggest competitor? Sleep](
- [Big Mood Machine]( #spotify
### What to follow
- [Deterministic Algorithms Lab
Jointly Learning to Build 👨‍🔧 and Climb 🧗 the AI Landscape](

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>An edit decision list or EDL is used in the post-production process of film editing and video editing. The list contains an ordered list of reel and timecode data representing where each video clip can be obtained in order to conform the final cut.
>EDLs are created by offline editing systems, or can be paper documents constructed by hand such as shot logging. These days, linear video editing systems have been superseded by non-linear editing (NLE) systems which can output EDLs electronically to allow autoconform on an online editing system the recreation of an edited programme from the original sources (usually video tapes) and the editing decisions in the EDL.
## Basic formats
## EDL tools
## Alternatives
### OTIO
>OTIO viewer

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# UpEnd
# Summary
> v podstate moje idea je :
## Base structure
> - databaze kde mas dva druhy objektu: data, a meta
> - jedinej rozdil je, ze data actually odkazujou hashem na nejakej file, a meta neodkazujou nikam, jenom slouzej jako "anchor"
> - a ke kazdymu objektu muzes mit arbitrarni keys a values
> - struktura filesystemu samotna je taky key a value:
> `FILE_shaiusdhuijhngsoyuhsdf BELONGS_TO_DIRECTORY shaoidsuhjaoijoiasjdioj`
> - (kazdej key/value je taky objekt na kterej se da odkazovat, kdyby sis chtel anotovat anotace)
## Schemas
> - objekty maj kategorie, ktery znamenaj ze se muzes spolehnout ze objekt co je otagovanej "radio" ma: cas pridani, slozku, heaviness, etc.; co je otagovanej "public" ma: "projekt", "filetype", "rok", etc.
> - to je taky `E/A/V` triplet: `Entita` je ten objekt, `Attribut` je neco jako `IS_A` a `Value` je odkaz na kategorii - ktera je taky objekt s `E/A/V` tripletama, znacici co musi objekt splnovat
## Input
> - pridavas soubory bud pres web rovnou do databaze, nebo syncthingoidne do filetree, a pak zarazujes
## Output
> - output je bud ten, ze je ven exposly jakysi APIcko, ktery ti dava jenom pristup do jedny z moznejch hierarchii, a s tim pracuje treba radio, nebo photo uploader, nebo OCRko
> - nebo ten, ze to proste pouzivas misto file browseru, ale kdykoli mas moznost se vratit zpatky na baseline [[filesystem]] kdyz najdes, co hledas
## Geekmiscellanea
> [extremne zmateny notes z prubehu konceptualizace](upend_notes_tmp.pdf)
> (clarification - neni to teda jenom key/value, zjistil jsem ze se tomu rika entity/attribute/value, kdy ten key/value je jenom ta posledni dvojice, a "entity" je nejakej abstraktni anchor ke kterymu se pojej ruzny key/values; moje pointa je, ze entity nemusi bejt enom IDcko na ktery vazes, ale i primo data, ktery muzou existovat tim padem na vic mistech / jako vic filu zaroven (nebo taky zadny), a i ty samotny vztahy mezi entitama, cimz ti vznika moznost i nejak znackovat co vlastne o tech datech rikas)
# Goals
- ~~democratic user interface model a la Syncthing~~
- ~~Content-Addressability~~
- ~~K/V metadata store~~
- schemas / constraints on metadata
- (auto-admin?)
- Links between objects
- 1-way = Tags
- 2-way = Relations
- ~~3-way = ???~~
- 1st order tags
- 1st order links (?)
- kompozice souboru
- Modes
- R/O only
- Hybrid
- Full
- FS revisions / metadata only backups
- staging area, queues...
# Resources // Inspiration
## Whole systems
### Design docs
### Similar projects
## Criticisms, filesystems
[Files, Formats and Byte Arrays](
[Programátorova kritika chybějící struktury operačních systémů](
## Highly adjacent projects!
[Learn Datalog Today!](
# Information enters, is processed
# Random (and outdated) points
- content-addressability
- hidden structure within filetypes
- breaking apart from a hirearchy
- key/value store protocol // backend
- VFS compat layer
- config keys as files
- FS as a rich API
- syncthing model, sidecar files
- S3 API ?

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Audio 101
Sample Rates, etc.
- [Understanding Digital Sound and Analog
- [24/192 Music Downloads \...and why they make no
- [Accompanying Video](
(explains sampling, bit-depth, aliasing, dither\...)
### 16 bit vs 24 bit
*Quote: Originally Posted by stupeT Given my "real world poor man\'s
studio"\...Shall I print in 24 bit or is 16 bit enough and I will have
no lose what so ever, but better performance of my DAW? Cheers stupeT I
think it is unlikely that an otherwise reasonably capable DAW computer
would bottleneck due to recording at 24-bit instead of 16-bit. Reaper
and all modern DAWs use high-precision audio engines over 24-bit, so
your samples are being processed at high bit depths even if they are
low-resolution samples. A second fast hard drive is pretty cheap in the
scheme of things and almost a requirement for high-track-count audio, it
seems to me. Moreover, 24-bit is stupidly cheap and easy insurance
against the single biggest headache of digital recording, namely trying
to set the record levels high enough without clipping. With 16 bit, if
you need to leave 24dB headroom above the aver- age level for a singer
with no mic technique, then you\'re really only recording at about 12
bits resolution on average. The whole point of 24 bit is that you no
longer have to record close to zero, you could record with peak levels
of like -50 and still have CD-quality resolution. So you can leave
plenty of headroom and just turn down the input gain as low as you want
-- no fear of clipping, and no worries of lost resolution, no matter how
"wild" the singer. Sample rate is a whole different thing, OTOH. Working
at higher sample rates def- initely affects performance.* [^1]
### Loudness and gain staging
- <>
- <>
### Dynamic Effects
### Spatial Effects
### Noise Removal
1. with Audacity
1. <>
2. <>
2. with RX7
3. with [Reaper](Reaper)
1. <>
Mics 101
[^1]: <>

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======= AUDIO VIDEO GRAPHICS =======
1. This is confusing list!
2. Use Table of Content on the right and guide yourself. Fix stuff.
Digital - essential
- digital foundations - FLOSS guide -
- [Audio 101](Audio 101)
- Handbooks and tips
- <>
- <>
- <>
- Lists
- <>
- <>
- <>
<!-- -->
- <>
- <>
- <>
<!-- -->
- VCV rack
- <>
### crucial
- audacity
- <>
- foobar
- [reaper](reaper) \[advanced\]
### semi-bizzare
- MSDP -<>
- a free and open source program for Multimedia Synthesis, Design,
and Performance
- Borderlands -
- The instrument may be performed by creating and destroying new
clouds and dynamically moving them around the landscape. The
landscape itself may also be shifted.
- Grainstation-C -
- is an open-source, granular performance workstation designed to
build realtime, evolving sound sculptures with optional
ambisonics. It seamlessly integrates with a Novation
LaunchControl XL Mark 2 (easily modifiable for any other
controller) and can processes 4 disk tracks and 3 live input
- Audio DiffMaker - <>
- signal difference extraction software
### bizzare
- Traktion - <>
- we've been refactoring our DAW engine to make it more modular,
composable, customizable and simpler to use for a wide range of
audio applications. Our aim is to take care of all the difficult
and time consuming aspects of developing audio apps so you can
focus on building great features and user interfaces people will
- Raven Lite -<>
- is a free software program that lets users record, save, and
visualize sounds as spectrograms and waveforms.
- <>
- pyAudioAnalysis - <>
- A Python library for audio feature extraction, classification,
segmentation and applications
- thid dx7 cartridge doesnt exist -
### Ableton
#### ABL/M4L
- <>
- <>
- instant afro -
#### ABL tutorials
- Two Minute Tutorials - Ableton Live
### Music Production + VSTs
- lists
- <>
- <>
- <>
- VSTi x64
- Labs
- Ribs - granulator
- VSTe x64
- pitchproof
- ??
- <>
### audio files
* Anechoic Data - a collection of audio recordings captured in anechoic conditions. The collection includes recodings of early musical instruments, singing, speech and more.
* GDC free sound banks, four volumes
### IR data
- <>
- <>
- <>
[Video 101](Video 101)
- <>
- <>
<> Pose Animator takes a 2D
vector illustration and animates its containing curves in real-time
based on the recognition result from PoseNet and FaceMesh. It borrows
the idea of skeleton-based animation from computer graphics and applies
it to vector characters
### Live Video
- HapMap - <> - Ultra-Lightweight Projection
Mapping Software
- Openmapper - <> - tool to make video
mapping,every platform, scaleable, syncable, opensource
- resolume plugins
- resolume ctrl - <> -
- smode tutorials
- Smode 8.5 Tutorial : Emit particles from a video -
- Smode Station 8 5 tutorial : Wireframe renderer -
- Hedron - <> - Perform
live shows with your three.js creations.
- Larix - <> Larix mobile streaming
- <> Nimble Streamer
capabilities for peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming
- <>
### Dead Video
- <>
- <>
- Synopsis - suite of open source software for computational
- <>
- txs - Generate and compare x264 test encodings with different
- <>
- OpenCV tutorials
### NDI tools
- <>
- <>
- <>
### blender
- bone-studio blender fork
<!-- -->
- <>
- <>
<!-- -->
- We Taught an AI To Synthesize Materials \| Two Minute Papers \#251 -
- Generative Modeling with Modifiers (Blender 2.8) -
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- [blender lipsync](
<!-- -->
- [PIFuHD: Multi-Level Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for
High-Resolution 3D Human
- <>
- [Mixer is a Blender addon developed at Ubisoft Animation Studio for
Real Time Collaboration in 3D edition. It allows multiple Blender
users to work on the same scene at the same time. Thanks to a
broadcasting server that is independent from Blender, it is also
possible to implement a connection for other 3D editing
### 3d printing optimilizations
- <>
- <>
- 3D Print Toolbox (Addon)
### blender addons
- MB-Lab - <>
- MB-Lab is a Blender addon that creates humanoid characters
- RandoMesh - <>
- A Blender addon to add randomized geometry to any mesh. Supports
Blender 2.80.
- PolyQuilt - <>
- edit mode like creating faces, knife tool, fan, edge-loops, etc.
It does this with ONLY the left-mouse-button.
- Loop Tools - <>
- really useful for editing meshes quickly and easily.
- ByGen - <>
- BY-GEN is an addon designed to simplify the process of creating
non-destructive, generative modeling styles
- Edge Flow - <>
- This tool has two modes, the first makes each selected edge loop
linear, the later works on edge rings and straightens them and
adjusts each edge length.
- GrowthNodes - <>
- GrowthNodes is a Blender plugin for generative content creation
and simulation of organic growth processes on polygonal
surfaces. It can be utilized for both destructive and
non-destructive content generation.
- Pulverize - <>
- Pulverize is a script for rendering video from Blender using
multiple processes.
- Tissue - Tissue -
<> \#tessalate
- Blender\'s add-on for computational design by Co-de-iT
- <> \#tutorial
- Render to Print 0.3 - <>
- With Render to print you can set the size of the render for a
- QBlocker - <>
- Qblocker is a great blender add-on for creating geometry
- Anti - Seam
- <>
- AddRoutes - <>
- gathering AddMIDI and AddOSC in the same package. As a novelty
an application for smartphones and tablets (Blemote)
### Blender - geodata, CAD
- BlenderGIS - <>
- Blender addons to make the bridge between Blender and geographic
- <>
- CAD -&gt; to blender conversions
- ODA File Converter
- Convert between .dwg and .dxf file formats with this Windows
application. With wildcard support for input file
specification, it allows .dxf files to be used as input.
- ??
- The best way to import CAD file in Blender -
- BOOK -
<!-- -->
### others 3D
- <>
- meshlab
- smode synth
- <>
- 3d and archeology
- <>
### Textures
<> Hdri 20k -- Texturas 8k (FREE PBR)
<> 8k (FREE )
<> 4k (FREE )
<> Gratuito y paga
<> 1k - 2k - 3k - 4k (FREE )
<> Texturas en general (FREE )
<> (FREE )
<> Texturas en general (FREE )
AI, deeplearning, etc.
### General, toolsets
- magenta
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- visual AI
- Artificial-Art
- <>
- DeepFaceLab
- is a tool that utilizes machine learning to replace faces in
- <>
- DeepPrivacy
- DeepPrivacy is a fully automatic anonymization technique for
- <>
<!-- -->
- Audio AI
- Spleeter
<!-- -->
* Spleeter is the Deezer source separation library with pretrained models written in Python and uses Tensorflow.
* Jukebox
* semi-bizzare
* Melodrive
* Wekitrainer
* The Wekinator is free, open source software originally created in 2009 by Rebecca Fiebrink. It allows anyone to use machine learning to build new musical instruments, gestural game controllers, computer vision or computer listening systems, and more.
* #m4l
* Lists
### Online tools
- <> - Remove Image Background: 100%
automatically -- in 5 seconds -- without a single click -- for free.
- <> - Neural network image super-resolution
and enhancement
- <> - to create beautiful logo packages
for your brand.
- <> - TXT 2 IMG
- <> -
- <>
### Tutorials, workflows, \...
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- upscaling
- <>
- lists
- <>
- <>
- StyleGAN2 - mapping music to facial expressions in real time -
AV Utilities
### diagrams
- <> - online
- <> - install
### Expansion - lights - projections
- <> Freeframe plugins
- <>
### Media anotation, referencing
- Anvil
- It offers multi-layered annotation based on a user-defined
coding scheme. During coding the user can see color-coded
elements on multiple tracks in time-alignment. Some special
features are cross-level links, non-temporal objects, timepoint
tracks, coding agreement analysis, 3D viewing of motion capture
data and a project tool for managing whole corpora of annotation
files. Originally developed for gesture research in 2000, ANVIL
is now being used in many research areas including
human-computer interaction, linguistics, ethology, anthropology,
psychotherapy, embodied agents, computer animation and
- <>
- VideoAnt is a web-based video annotation tool for mobile and
desktop devices. Use VideoAnt to add annotations, or comments,
to web-hosted videos. VideoAnt-annotated videos are called
"Ants". VideoAnt is a web-based video annotation tool for mobile
and desktop devices. Use VideoAnt to add annotations, or
comments, to web-hosted videos. VideoAnt-annotated videos are
called "Ants". Export your annotations in a variety of data
formats. You can even embed your Ants on a personal website,
learning management system, or anywhere HTML is allowed.
- <>
- PureRef
<!-- -->
*PureRef is a stand-alone program for Windows, Mac and Linux that keeps track of your images. Whether you're gathering inspiration, making mood boards or need reference images for your painting or 3D model, PureRef is there so you can focus on creating.
* Quixel bridge
* With its custom import, channel packing, and automated export features, Bridge allows you to manage your assets in one place like never before. The days of manual shader setup, image conversion or sensitive folder structures are over; welcome to the future of asset management.
* Lignes de Temps
* The Lignes de Temps software takes advantage of the analysis and synthesis possibilities offered by digital media. Inspired by the « timelines » commonly used on digital editing benches, Lignes de Temps offers a graphic representation of a film, revealing from the outset, and in extenso, its cuttings. Lignes de Temps offers in this a new access to the film, substituting for the logic of constrained scrolling that constitutes the experience of any movie viewer, and for the purposes of analysis, the « mapping » of a temporal object. Also, by selecting a segment of a timeline, the user has direct access to the corresponding clip or sequence in the movie, a sequence that can be described and analyzed by textual, audio, video, or documented by images or internet links.
#### Online unsorted
Creative Coding and Livecoding
- <>
- <>
### Languages
- [SuperCollider](supercollider)
- Overtone, FoxDot, \...
- Tidal <>
- patterns, patterns, patterns
- Sonic Pi
<!-- -->
* Orca
* is an esoteric programming language designed to quickly create procedural sequencers, in which every letter of the alphabet is an operation, where lowercase letters operate on bang, uppercase letters operate each frame.
* alive - livecoding with persistent expressions
### Collaboration tools
- Troop - <>
- Troop is a real-time collaborative tool that enables group live
coding within the same document across multiple computers.
Hypothetically Troop can talk to any interpreter that can take
input as a string from the command line but it is already
configured to work with live coding languages FoxDot,
TidalCycles, and SuperCollider.
- Tidal-bridge -
### Online
- <>
- <>
- Livecoding networked visuals in the browser
- caesium
- gimp
- inkscape
- darktable
- stacking and hugin
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
======= RNDM ==========
AI vs. Unity
\#openCV \#python
blender game engine -&gt; godot <>
<> - osciloscope
KSX friendly
<> - Audio & Video Streaming Language

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- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- remotework
- <>
- Blokada - adblocker - <>
- odysea - music player
- f-droid - opensource app repo
- p!n
- usb tether ??
- qr scanner ??
- chat/ IM
- telegram - <>
- - <>
- <!> -
browser client sometimes fails use desktop client
- [firefox](firefox)
<!-- -->
* Firefox Profile Maker (nice defaults) -
* Firefox about:config privacy / control settings -
* clearURLs -
* tabs
* ctrl+tab behaviour -
* privacy
* prism-break -
* simply - ublock, https everywhere
* youtube
* speeds up stuff; is better
* better formats
* utils
* screenshots
* green shot -
* players
* audio foobar -
* theme / preset -
* hotspots/tethering
* notes
* workflowy
* ownnotes
* roam
* sync
* harddrive -
* network / internet sync -
* computer hygiene
* dupe cleaners
* dupeGure
* duplicatecleaner free
* ccleaner
* remove empty directories -
* ! pay attention with syncthing folders !
* recovery+
* image batch
* video conversions
* mpeg streamclip -
* handbrake -
* mediacoder
* file converter
linux distros
* AV
* **Ubuntu Studio**
* AV linux
* #audio
* privacy

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Document post-processing
- [BRISS]( - PDF cropping
- [ScanTailor]( - Complete scan post-processing
[]( ocr -
- [CZACCENT]( - oháčkování aka

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ffmpeg vault
### What?
[ffmpeg]( is a swiss army knife for everything
audio/video. It can do practically every task under the sun, and in fact
powers most major dedicated \"video players\" (VLC, MPC-HC, built-in
players in Chrome and Firefox\...)[^1]
### How?
If you\'re on Windows, it\'s technically possible to install `ffmpeg`
and use it directly [^2], but since the windows Command Prompt sucks ass
comfort-wise and scripting-wise, it\'s recommended to just [install
Ubuntu as part of the Windows Subsystem for
Linux](, and
then `apt-get install ffmpeg`.
If you\'re on Linux, you already know what to do 8-)
(All commands are expected to be ran in `bash` or a similar Linux
### Basic conversions
`ffmpeg` is pretty clever, it can correctly guess the codecs and
reasonable default settings by the file extension, so all of the
following will work as expected (and retain metadata[^3]!):
``` {.bash}
ffmpeg -i video.avi video.mp4
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 video_sound_only.wav
ffmpeg -i video_sound_only.wav video_sound_only.mp3
ffmpeg -i song.flac song.mp3
#### mp3 bitrates
\"Reasonable\" might not be what you want though, especially in the case
of mp3, where the default bitrate is V4 (!), i.e. 140-185 kbps.
If you want, for example, V[0]{.ul}, use the `-q:a`[^4] option, like so:
``` {.bash}
ffmpeg -i song.flac -q:a 0 song.mp3
More info at: <>
#### video codecs
Since container/format ≠ codec, you might want to select the codec
While it can reasonably assumed that `mp4``h264`, `avi` is a bit more
complex. You can list all the supported codecs with
`ffmpeg -codecs`[^5], but since there\'s several hundreds, you better
have an idea of what you want to do in the first place.
For example, if you want an `.avi` with xvid codec, you just do:
``` {.bash}
ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -c:v libxvid output.avi
#### General codec options
This StackOverflow post explains everything:
### video // image files // frames
#### images -&gt; video
##### 1. creating a list of images
`ffmpeg` needs a list of images in a text file in a [specific
format]( in order to
convert them to a video. There\'s a couple ways to do this:
``` {.bash}
ls *.jpg | xargs -I xyz echo "file 'xyz'" > list.txt
``` {.bash}
for f in *.jpg; do echo "file '$f'" >> list.txt; done
It\'s up to preference, all end up with a list of all JPGs in current
directory, in `list.txt`.
##### 2. list to video
``` {.bash}
ffmpeg -f concat -r 30 -i list.txt out.mp4
`-f concat` tells `ffmpeg` to handle `list.txt` as a list.
`-r 30` specifies resulting FPS (30 FPS)
`out.mp4` is output file - autodetected as h264-encoded. (`out.avi`,
`out.gif`, etc. also work - refer to ffmpeg manual)
#### video -&gt; images
``` {.bash}
ffmpeg -i FILE image%05d.png
Where `FILE` is the video file, and `image%05d.png` is the format string
for image filenames; this will create `image00001.png`,
`image00002.png`, `image00123.png`, etc. (`%05d` means pad with `5`
zeroes; `%010d` for padding with `10` zeroes\...)
### Streams
`ffmpeg` can also smoothly handle streams, so basic stream capture is
pretty trivial, provided you grabbed the playlist/HLS url from
``` {.bash}
ffmpeg -i "" my_stream.mp4
#### Taking a screenshot of a stream
`-vframes 1` is the option that tells `ffmpeg` to just capture one (i.e.
the first) frame of the video - in the case of streams, this means the
latest one anyway.
``` {.bash}
ffmpeg -i "" -vframes 1 capture.jpg
### dropped frame re-interpolation
`ffmpeg` also has a [rich set of
filters](, two of which are of
interest for us now:
- [mpdecimate]( -
*Drop frames that do not differ greatly from the previous frame in
order to reduce frame rate.*
- [minterpolate]( -
*Convert the video to specified frame rate using motion
The idea is that `mpdecimate` drops all near-duplicate frames, and
`minterpolate` re-calculates them using non-duplicate frames that were
`mpdecimate`\'s defaults are pretty okay, but the result may not look
too good if the frame drops are frequent and long. I\'ve had pretty good
results using its `max` parameter which limits the amount of frames
dropped in a single stretch of video, e.g. `-vf mpdecimate=max=15` which
drops at most 15 frames (i.e. half a second assuming 30 FPS), meaning
interpolation won\'t happen everywhere and the video will remain
faithfully choppy.
`minterpolate`, on the other hand, defaults to semi-smart motion
compensated interpolation, and that *might* just be what you want, but
it generally gives pretty funky results. Fortunately, it also has a
\"blend\" mode, which just averages the start and end frames and
crossfades them, which gives much more agreeable outputs for simple
frame drop situations. It is also generally much faster, I was getting
near or above real-time speeds using \"blend\", whereas motion
compensation dropped the processing speed to 0.01x.
**TL;DR**: Full command(s) including the filter pipeline:
``` {.bash}
# Fill out all frame drop gaps
ffmpeg -i choppy_video.mp4 -vf mpdecimate,minterpolate=mi_mode=blend smoother_video.mp4
# Fill out all frame drop gaps no longer than 10 frames:
ffmpeg -i choppy_video.mp4 -vf mpdecimate=max=10,minterpolate=mi_mode=blend smoother_video.mp4
# Motion interpolate the gaps and replicate a bad ketamine trip
ffmpeg -i choppy_video.mp4 -vf mpdecimate,minterpolate smoother_video.mp4
ffmpeg - skipping - remove duplicate frames after effects
#### what is \`N/FRAME\_RATE/TB\`
- except the use of \`FRAME\_RATE\` variable the \`N/FRAME\_RATE/TB\`
is equal to the example below from ffmpeg documentation
<!-- -->
> Set fixed rate of 25 frames per second:
> `setpts=N/(25*TB)`
- the math behind it perfectly explained in What is video timescale,
timebase, or timestamp in ffmpeg?
<!-- -->
* it basically calculates timestamp for each frame and multiplies it with timebase `TB` to enhance precision
### mp4 compatibility
h264 also has \"profiles\", basically [sets of
- and it turns out this can make the difference between a file working
and not working on some crappy embedded media players, like TVs or pico
> > The `-profile:v` option limits the output to a specific H.264
> > profile. Some devices (mostly very old or obsolete) only support the
> > more limited Constrained Baseline or Main profiles. You can set
> > these profiles with `-profile:v baseline` or `-profile:v main`.
> <>
``` {.bash}
ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -profile:v baseline output.mp4
And apparently, some players are also sensitive to the pixel format[^7],
i.e. can\'t handle anything else than YUV w/ 4:2:0 chroma subsampling,
to fix this use the `-pix_fmt` option as follows:
``` {.bash}
ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4
# or, with the profile settings...
ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -profile:v baseline -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4
No silver bullet, you\'ll just have to try different things for
different devices. A database of crappy players and appropriate `ffmpeg`
settings would be great.
### random
[^1]: <>
[^2]: from <>
[^3]: like ID3 tags and their FLAC, OGG, WAV, etc. equivalents
[^4]: read as -quality:audio
[^5]: and respectively, formats with `ffmpeg -formats`
[^6]: like
or just press F12, check the Network tab, and look carefully
[^7]: <>

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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
TLDR firefox is more than browser. And browsers are more than browsers
were before.
Tips & Tricks
[inform - legacy
[Prevent Firefox from starting
### Security and usability 101
- [uBlock Origin](
- [clearURLs](
### Unsorted
- dark mode for dark hipsters\' eyes
- [DarkReader]( -
universal \"dark theme on every site\" addon
- [reddit // how do you make new tab page also
dark]( -
various ways to make new tab page also dark
- tabs
- [ctrl+tab
- [always-right](
- youtube
- [youtube-classic]( -
speeds up stuff; is better
- [h264ify]( -
better formats
- [sponsorblock]( -
- downloading
- [download helper](
Firefox Account offers few [interesting
### Send \[OFFLINE\]
> Firefox Send is a free-to-use, online file-sending service, able to
> handle files up to 2.5 GB
> > All files are encrypted before being uploaded and decrypted on the
> > client after downloading. The encryption key is never sent to the
> > server.[^1]
There is also cool sidebar plugin -
### Sync
> Firefox Sync, originally branded Mozilla Weave,\[2\] is a browser
> synchronization feature for Firefox web browsers. It allows users **to
> partially synchronize bookmarks, browsing history, preferences,
> passwords, filled forms, add-ons, and the last 25 opened tabs** across
> multiple computers.\[3\] The feature is included in the desktop
> **Firefox browser, Firefox for iOS, and Firefox for Android**.It keeps
> user data on Mozilla servers, but according to Mozilla **the data is
> encrypted** in such a way that no third party, not even Mozilla, can
> access user information.\[4\] It is also possible for the user to host
> their own Firefox Sync servers, or indeed, for any entity to do
> so.\[5\][^2]
### Monitor
> It informs users if their email address and passwords used has been
> leaked in data breaches, using the database provided by Have I been
> Pwned? (HIBP)[^3]
### Lockwise
> Firefox Lockwise is **the password manager** of the Firefox web
> browser.\[5\]\[6\] On desktop, Lockwise is simply part of
> Firefox;\[7\] whereas on iOS and Android, it is also available as a
> standalone app. [^4]
- How to?
- <>
- Creating desktop shortcut to specific profile
- <>
- Plugin - Firefox Profile Maker (nice defaults) -
- <>
[^1]: <>
[^2]: <>
[^3]: <>
[^4]: <>

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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
IPFS is a bit like torrents, but for web - the files aren\'t hosted at a
single place, but instead whoever has a copy and wants to host it, can
host it, and the links can exist forever.
(But it also means it\'s kind of slow, but **you too** can help /-\\
projects out - see below.)
### Super simplified technical stuff
<img src="//screenshot_2019-10-29_ipfs_is_the_distributed_web.png" width="480" alt="screenshot_2019-10-29_ipfs_is_the_distributed_web.png" />
More specifically, it works like this: for each file, there is a
[\"hash\"]( - a
\"fingeprint\" of the file\'s contents. It\'s just 30 characters or so
(\"`QmTmrhGKN21S4xmiv13jJrmKXNfe2Nuk2zUfn6eieY8dYy`\", for example), but
it uniquely [^1] identifies that specific file.
Guy A, a \"node\", has the full file (a webpage, for example) - and
shouts out to everyone on the network that he has a file with hash that
is `QmTmrhblabla`\... Guy B, who wants to see the webpage, **only needs
to know the hash** - `QmTmrhblabla`\... So he connects to IPFS, and asks
everyone \"who has `QmTmrhblabla`?\" - and Guy A hears this, and sends
him the full file. Or - and this is the important part - whoever also
has this file on their computer, also hears this, and also can respond
with the file.
**TL;DR:** This means that as long as there is someone who has the file
- and someone who knows what they want (i.e. they have the hash) - they
can always access that file/webpage/image. Forever. With regular web, if
you\'ve got a link to a file, and the site goes down, there is nothing
you can do. But if you\'ve got an IPFS link, and anyone else has the
file and an internet connection, the link will [never]{.ul} go down.
### Public Gateways
And you technically don\'t need to install anything to use IPFS -
there\'s a \"public gateway\" - which you can use to access the files
with a normal browser. It works by putting the file\'s hash after
<>[^2] - and you will also get to the file. After
the file is accessed through the public gateway, it usually stays there
for some 20-30 minutes. This means the first loading is usually slow,
but all after that are much faster.
But you do need to download and install IPFS for\...
How to become a node and spread decentralized goodness
[IPFS Desktop]( - this is
by far the most comfortable way to do it (on Windows). [Direct link to
### Adding files: Conventional version
Then you go to files, and select \"Add\" &gt; \"From IPFS\"
<img src="//2019-10-29_14_34_48-window.png" width="400" />
And insert the hash/address of whatever you want to host (i.e.
`/ipfs/Qmblablabla...`). This \"pins\" it[^3] so that you keep hosting
### Adding files: Alternative version
> actually for me it seems to work much better when i look for the hash
> through \*explore\* and download, than through \*files\* and \*add
> files\*
> \- bgsl
> > updt 1 - ok this seems temporal. but it seems i am able to host
> > files much smoother after this. - bgsl
IPFS hosted /-\\ projects
(that could use some pinning)
| What | Hash | Public / Static Address (IPNS)[^4] |
| Speculative Ecologies AR | [/ipfs/QmS7NSBxfSM1sb4VTBsyRyJHk2HhsDXioCEGF47YcX1nZF]( | N/A |
| GUNK 7 AR | [/ipfs/QmRJoxWdm4ZSHA4UCWyyiye7uQxfuSsuKkBt7ngo7CChfF]( | N/A |
| GUNKS *(as of 2020-10-10)* | [/ipfs/Qmb6WJzMereTNCMh1drjepq3wEn9r6HkBZKadc7CFwf98V]( | [/ipns/QmX3hGuNKRRogN12S\...]( |
(and in case you are interested in pinning, you might be interested in
[some seeding at klastr\|](
[^1]: not really \"uniquely\", but it\'s super unlikely that two files
would have the same hash
[^2]: like
[^3]: because if you don\'t use the IPFS public gateway and have IPFS
installed locally instead, and use that for browsing - you also host
everything you visited, but only for some time, after that it gets
deleted. Pinning means \"don\'t forget to host this\".
[^4]: This is the address you can bookmark, since it will always be \"up
to date\". However, it\'s only possible to access/download files
this way, for pinning you need the actual hash, more information on

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
Bss linux\_tips
sudo shutdown -h +60
ctrl+H - show hidden files
ctrl+alt+horizontal arrows - workspace switch
Hardidisk + datamanagment
\- GSmartControl - FSlint
automount -
- <>
- run command ?
- <>
conky -
wildcards - <>
commandline -
File Permissions - <>
KPZ - gui
\* greenshot alternative - <> ?
\* conky - \* fsearch - <> -
everything alternative
KPZ - commandline
\* youtubedl - \* spleeter- mhmmm \* internet archive client
KPZ - ppa list
### Lists
- <>
- <>
### Audio
#### Essential
- <>
#### interesting
- <>
#### Slicers
- <>
- <>
#### Streaming
- butt - broadcast using this tool LIN/MAC/WIN
- it is in ubuntu repo
- <>
### Photo - collage
sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdc /media/
Interesting Distros
[leeenux]( - linux for netbooks
[bodhi linux]( - light linux

_INFORM/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
- Communications
- [Firefox](Firefox) FIXME
- [Telegram](Telegram) FIXME
- Files
- [Syncthing](Syncthing)
- Media
- [ffmpeg](ffmpeg)
- [OBS Studio](OBS) FIXME
- [Reaper](Reaper)
- [SuperCollider](SuperCollider)
- Systems
- [Linux tips](Linux tips)
- [S.M.A.R.T.](S.M.A.R.T.) FIXME
Tech Theory
- [Audio 101](Audio 101) \[work in progres\]
> wpws proposal
>> * [[streaming - partner]]
>> * [[streaming - host]]
>> * [[moderator - routines]]

_INFORM/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
> NINJAM is open source (GPL) software to allow people to make real
> music together via the Internet. Every participant can hear every
> other participant. Each user can also tweak their personal mix to his
> or her liking. NINJAM is cross-platform, with clients available for
> Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. [REAPER](reaper) (our digital audio
> workstation software for Windows and OS X) also includes NINJAM
> support (ReaNINJAM plug-in). [^1]
> The NINJAM client records and streams synchronized intervals of music
> between participants. Just as the interval finishes recording, it
> begins playing on everyone else\'s client. So when you play through an
> interval, you\'re playing along with the previous interval of
> everybody else, and they\'re playing along with your previous
> interval. If this sounds pretty bizarre, it sort of is, until you get
> used to it, then it becomes pretty natural. In many ways, it can be
> more forgiving than a normal jam, because mistakes propagate
> differently. [^2]
> While the tempo in Reaper might be set to 100bpm and the tempo in
> Ninjam is also set to 100bpm, without manually pressing play in reaper
> at the exact moment of a beat in ninjam, the sequences won\'t be in
> sync. [^3]
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
### reaNinjam
Official client by Cockos for Reaper.
reaNinjam w/ Ableton
1. Start Ableton.
2. Use ASIO/reaRoute as asio output to get audio from Ableton Live (or
other) to Reaper.
3. In Repear
1. get reaNinjam runnig in master FX slot.
2. create stereotrack with reaRoute inputs
3. check soundcard samplerate. It should be 44.1kHz.
4. Connect to Outpost NINJAM server.
5. With help of ninjam metronome trigger play in Ableton Live or follow
midi sync help.
reaNinjam w/ other
You can use Virtual Audio Cable to get sound from or to other apps
to/from Reaper. If that is the case use VAC within a reaper WASAPI
drivers intstead of ASIO.
### Audio routing REA/ABL
1. reaRoute - is not installed by default, but it is available in every
Reaper installation file
1. <>
2. Reaper will try to push for highest samplerate of your soundcard.
Check that.
> 5.1. This extra step if for people who want to connect programs like
> Reason, Ableton, Cubase and similar directly to REAPER.
> > When in step 5 you select the input you will also see ReaRoute
> > Channel 1, 2, 3 and so on in mono input or ReaRoute Channel 1 /
> > ReaRoute Channel 2 and so on in stereo input. Select Stereo Input
> > then select ReaRoute Channel 1 / ReaRoute Channel 2.
> >
> > > Now goto your music software and to its audio setup, select the
> > > ASIO Driver as ReaRoute ASIO then select ReaRoute 1 and 2 for left
> > > and right if it gives u the extra option.
> > >
> > > > If you run 2 or more pieces of software then set one on ReaRoute
> > > > 1/2 then another on 3/4 and so on, then make a track for each in
> > > > REAPER and set the stereo input to ReaRoute Channel 1 / ReaRoute
> > > > Channel 2 then ReaRoute Channel 3 / ReaRoute Channel 4 for the
> > > > next track and so on.
> 6\. Almost done, at the bottom of REAPER there is a MASTER Volume
> slider, on this small panel there are also a few others things and one
> is a FX, click this FX to bring up the Master FX Chain window. In this
> window the Add button, this will bring up the Add FX to MASTER window.
> In this window select Cockos in the left panel, then in the right
> panel select ReaNINJAM, you may see VST: ReaNINJAM (Cockos), if so
> select that insted.
> > Next Click OK, the Add FX to MASTER window will now vanish and you
> > will be back on the Master FX Chain window. In the left Panel you
> > will see the ReaNINJAM plugin selected, If the square box to the
> > left of the ReaNINJAM is not ticked then click and tick it.
> >
> > > If by now the ReaNINJAM client window has not popped up and
> > > showing on the screen then to the right of the Master FX Chain
> > > window click Show ReaNINJAM Console, if you do not see this then
> > > click the ReaNINJAM once to highlight it then you should see the
> > > Show ReaNINJAM Console button.
> > >
> > > > You can now close the Master FX Chain window by clicking the x
> > > > at the top right of the Master FX Chain window. [^4]
### midiclock
**NINJAM have sync function now!!! This should help to sync anything to
Reaper, which can sync to ninjam BPM.**
You can sync ableton to reaper tempo through any midi loopback (virtual
midi cabel) utility.
<img src="/reaper_midi.png" width="400" />
<img src="/midi_abl.png" width="400" />
<img src="/sync_abl.png" width="400" />
1. Ableton
1. Press play with EXT on (Nothing will play)
2. ReaNinjam sync option
1. Set project tempo
2. Start Reaper playback on next loop
3. ABL will play
#### midi loopback
WIN - <>
#### midi support links
- <>
- <>
- <> ?
UnEssential aka R&D
### Importing Ninjam Session recordings to Reaper
### Modes
Session mode -
### Alternative Clients
#### ninjam-js
> The Ninjam music collaboration client reimplemented using JavaScript.
#### LinJam
> The highest goal of the LinJam project (and it\'s predecessor
> TeamStream) is to flatten the pro-audio learning-curve; easing the
> intimidation that most non-technical musicians experience when they
> are first introduced to NINJAM. [^5]
#### Ninjam plugin by Expert Sleepers
\[MAC OS only\]
> By having the Ninjam client in a plug-in, it makes it very easy to
> combine Ninjam into your normal computer-based music setup. It also
> gives you many more creative options for routing signals in and out of
> Ninjam, even without multichannel audio hardware attached to your
> computer.[^6]
### Midi over net
- <>
- <>
### Links
- <>
- <>
- <>
[^1]: <>
[^2]: <>
[^3]: <>
[^4]: <>
[^5]: <>
[^6]: <>

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Live Stream your DAW through OBS! How-to guide -

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
- lists
<!-- -->
* basic
* text
* [[|]]
* [[|Capitalize Sentences ]]
* sharing - torrent
**artsy fartsy**
- \*\*[tml tools]( \*\*
- [dummy image generator](
- [pixel sorting by Feiss](
- [image to audio by
- [Edge detection]( Online
by PineTools
- <>
- Web based tool to extract data from plots, images, and maps
- <>
- [Cut-ups & the Text Mixing
- [](

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- Tygr tisk - Letna - stickers, white color pring -
- Copycan shop - jirak - <>

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
### Shortcuts - interface
### Shortcuts - editing
| | |
| Automation point | shift + LMB |
| Marker | M |
| Normalize | |
| Split | S |
| [\#Dynamic Split](#Dynamic Split) | D |
| Create Region | shift + R |
### ReaPack
> ReaPack is a package manager for REAPER, the Digital Audio
> Workstation. Discover, install and keep up to date your REAPER
> resources including ReaScripts, JS effects, extensions, themes,
> language packs, templates, web interfaces and more. [^1]
### Ninjam
### Dynamic Split
**shortcut D**
- Remove Silent Passages
- is to clean up a track and remove those passages that should be silent.
- Split at transients
- If you want to quantize audio-items, this is the the first tool you need to use.
- more at
### File-Managment
1. REAPER 101: File Management
1. <>
2. File Management in REAPER DAW Tutorial
1. <>
### ReaRender
<> A python toolkit for
automatic audio/MIDI rendering using REAPER
Courses and tutorials
1. tips and tricks forum thread -
2. \#REAPER WEEK -- 100 tips on using REAPER -
### Text
10 Essential Reaper TIPS and SHORTCUTS!
Power Arranging In Reaper
### Video
REAPER Mixer Shortcuts -
How to Motion Track Video in REAPER -- Moving Camera Effect -
Mastering Field Recordings in REAPER -
[^1]: <>

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
> S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology; often
> written as SMART) is a monitoring system included in computer hard
> disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and eMMC drives. Its
> primary function is to detect and report various indicators of drive
> reliability with the intent of anticipating imminent hardware
> failures.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
1. sdbs backups [syncthing](syncthing)
2. [ipfs](ipfs)
3. [torrent](torrent)
4. [pile](
5. [klastr](
Structure proposal
===== Intro =====
==== Project list ====
===== Essential =====
==== Tool list ====
===== Advanced =====
### IPFS
The script for autopinning:
set -ex
mkdir -p ipfs
cd ipfs
echo '
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
cd "${DIR}"
for url in "" "";do
echo "Loading ${url}..."
for cid in $(curl -s $url|sort -R);do
ipfs get "${cid}" && ipfs pin add --progress "${cid}"
' >
chmod +x
echo "30 */6 * * * $(whoami) ipfs name publish --key=gunk Qmb6WJzMereTNCMh1drjepq3wEn9r6HkBZKadc7CFwf98V" |sudo tee /etc/cron.d/ipfs
set +x
echo "Set-up complete. To update ipfs pins now, run ./"
Copy and paste this into some file, then run it with `bash`. It will set
up periodic autopinning.

_INFORM/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
:ŇĐ0¤4´u dĺvúő©:k}đ?u %%-% "´" RfƒŇP iJSHM%yéayéa **LATE ALPHA
STAGE** %ť¨ ¤Ą¦š!Ą¤ 4ÓN¤4ŔJJ( AIKI@„¦šq¦š J(˘€ő¦šSHh4ôĄ4"JJZJ
)´¦Đ1))i)‰ˆi†"q×µ{ p:QAăŠ'Ň°ÓËKH(ÎbÏ4˜Ý鏌ë1
[internal subpages](/internal/index)
[sdbs digital garden](
Software Guides
- [ffmpeg](ffmpeg)
- [ipfs](ipfs)
- [syncthing](syncthing) (work in progress)
- [ninjam](ninjam) (work in progress)
- [firefox](firefox) (work in progress)
Scrolls of Guided Chaos
- [manuals](manuals)
- [KPZ](KPZ) - (system upkeep and media processing toolbox)
- [audio video graphics](AVG)
- [documents, text, literature](DOCS)
- [web tools list](online toolbox)
- [digital consumer habits good](consumer habits good)
- [PRG-WT](PRG-WT) (printing resources)
- [sdbs selfhosting](sdbs selfhosting)
- Self-hosted
- [hedgedoc](
- [etherpad](
- [full crypto pastebin](
- [piratebox](piratebox)
`` @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@VpSpheOPUpW6ZWNPOQN0W##6h6NN#EU6#@@@@ @@8SjP66nhpRemWpZpPbpZbpJW6O0Op6mWWVi@@@ @@UeUPUZzwmpz6JWNmZeJEVlhbheQ66ROUjwm@@@ @@}Zejnn6pSbmjWmhOeJjbw=EmzWZ806Ejznm@@@ @@UPpP*6RWpBnpUhejWUb0w zmpS]jSWPSjjh@@@ @@Qmnz~6QOJO(OQn6UUWSmp,bW00R0pN8W8EV@@@ @@8wzJ_neJiz^pE]OSR8O06n88Q8#Zg#ghBWS@@@ @@6nmn ^r<ri,^r}pvN###Q^6#N##zbbVQE?B@@@ @@ZJ]v`==!^rimz_JjmbQB#B#QQ#Qn6n]eir@@@@ @@n?i=(leVUEbgORB@#Q#p8QhJPUjhm6pOW0@@@@ @@^nwJ}]]]JnNOh#@8B#@06B86Qgmp6ehU}N#@@@ @@@bpzinpVlZBOz#6S@##@#@##@Bj#NzWRinN@@@ @@@@B}?JwU(E#w0@wQ#Q#@#SE#@66#jZQen}=@@@ @@@@E<(?J}^np]0Bw6helOe}6ZmV8#zRP]mlv@@@ @@@@lJz?v?vmz]ZjnrVj6WWE8^]n^,}v?(-~v@@@ @@Q]]Jjn]lv(hVVPJmUlVJv]E}}6VVWwV6PPO@@@ @@S<(nlUVzmzejewzjSemev??]iinhmnnz]]m@@@ @@P!=^}l]n}n](vrvOZSZS^:^~!=>r??rr??n@@@ @@#eeVnSn}wennj}JW0g0RJllwVne}vi]BS}g@@@ @@@6O88RbUQOSJPVzQ8WEgphphn]nRB#8w@#@@@@ @@@@@@@@#@@@@#B##@@#@@@@@@##@@@@@@@@@@@@ ``

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\+ tidal
To Check
- SonoTexto
- A SuperCollider class to record and play Buffers. I write this
Class to improvise with musicians that play acoustic
instruments, so I can record small Buffers of the instruments in
the moment of the improvisation. Also it can be used to record
small fragments of sound environment in order to perform a live
coding session with sound as material.
- <>
Tools based on SC
- LNX studio
- <>
- <>
- TX Modular
- <>
- <>

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> Syncthing is a **continuous file synchronization program**. It
> synchronizes files between **two or more computers** in real time,
> safely protected from prying eyes.[^1]
Official page:
Windows download: <>
(You want `SyncTrayzorSetup-x64.exe`)
### What? Why?
Syncthing is basically like Dropbox, MEGA, or Google Drive - except that
there is no central server, and all synchronization happens between the
computers themselves.
Primarily, this means there\'s no capacity limits (except your HDDs), no
big brother spying, no possible shutdown involved. But it also means
there is no way to link Syncthing stuff to the outside, and that the
computers need to be online at the same time to sync.
Its *primary* use-case is when a single person has more computers, and
wants to keep some folders synchronized on all of them.
#### /-\\ use-case
What we use it for, however, is general data sharing - there\'s
semi-public Syncthing folders (listed below). It works well for common
(audio, video) files and projects, for sharing essential software
packages, and for community-powered backups as well. Also for local
(LAN) sync - there is no need for internet, local network is enough.
**WARNING: Because Syncthing wasn\'t really meant for this sort of use,
it requires a bit of carefulness on part of everyone involved. There\'s
no authentication, no permissions, and by default no [file
versioning](syncthing#versioning). It\'s not too easy to mess up
accidentally, but if you do, it\'s not pretty.**
Advanced stuff
### Send / Receive Only
Send Only & Receive Only limit the folder/file changes either received
or sent from the current machine.
#### Send Only Folder
1. All changes from other devices in the cluster are ignored.
1. If the folder gets out of sync (because of changes made
elsewhere), a red "Override Changes" button will override **any
changes made to files through whole cluster**, which will be
overwritten by the version on this host (any files that don't
exist on this host will be deleted, and so on).
2. Good as master for backups.
#### Receive Only Folder
1. Local changes are not sent to other devices.
2. Good as slave for backups.
### Versioning
The default behavior is that Syncthing keeps no history of synced files.
This is generally what you want, as it saves space on your machine, but
it can cause data loss, in case someone else accidentally
deletes/modified a file on their machine.
Syncthing, in typical unix neckbeard fashion, has several different
modes of file versioning:
#### Trash Can File Versioning
> This versioning strategy emulates the common "trash can" approach.
> When a file is deleted or replaced due to a change on a remote device,
> it is a moved to the trash can in the `.stversions` folder. If a file
> with the same name was already in the trash can it is replaced.
> A configuration option is available to clean the trash can from files
> older than a specified number of days.
#### Simple File Versioning
> With "Simple File Versioning" files are moved to the `.stversions`
> folder (inside your shared folder) when replaced or deleted on a
> remote device. This option also takes a value in an input titled "Keep
> Versions" which tells Syncthing how many old versions of the file it
> should keep.
#### Other modes and more detailed info
### External HDDs
You can use syncthing with external harddrives. That is good for backup
clusters, huge projects, etc.
On windows it helps to set fixed drive letter to your hardrive, so there
are no mismatches.
> When assigning your drive letter, make sure to choose a letter toward
> the end of the alphabet list. For example, X, Y, or Z --- otherwise
> Windows has the tendency to eventually assign a different letter.
> Also, keep in mind that it will only be the assigned letter on the
> computer you changed it on. If you take your external drive to a
> different PC, Windows will give it a different dynamic letter.[^2]
### Common Gotchas
#### folder marker missing // .stfolder blues
Syncthing marks each synced folder with an empty, hidden directory in
that folder, called `.stfolder`. This tells Syncthing everything is in
order, and this is really the folder which it should be
modifying/uploading changes from.
If that (empty) folder is deleted, Syncthing will vomit with a similar
error message:
2020-04-02 21:12:50: Error on folder "KSX_OUT" (ksx-out): folder marker missing (this indicates potential data loss, search docs/forum to get information about how to proceed)
This can happen for a couple of reasons:
- Actual potential data loss - you should [check your
disks](S.M.A.R.T.) and remember where you keep your backups.
- Some sort of \"empty folder cleanup\" thing ran on the folder and
deleted `.stfolder`.
- If that\'s the case, and it\'s really the only thing that
happened, it\'s safe to simply re-create `.stfolder` (by
right-clicking and selecting \"New Folder\") in that directory.
- If not, and you still do this, you\'ve just successfully
corrupted everyone else\'s Syncthing folders with your broken
- Entire folder is missing. See [Moving Syncthing
### CPU
> Hashing, compression and encryption cost CPU time. Also, using the GUI
> causes a certain amount of extra CPU usage to calculate the summary
> data it presents. Note however that once things are in sync CPU usage
> should be negligible.
> To minimize the impact of this, Syncthing attempts to lower the
> process priority when starting up.
> To further limit the amount of CPU used when syncing and scanning, set
> the environment variable GOMAXPROCS to the maximum number of CPU cores
> Syncthing should use at any given moment. For example, GOMAXPROCS=2 on
> a machine with four cores will limit Syncthing to no more than half
> the system's CPU power.
### Whitelisting files
### Moving syncthing folders?
Semi-public Syncthing folders
See [syncthing](/internal/syncthing)
[^1]: From <>
[^2]: From

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### workmode
> If you\'re using multiplatform Telegram Desktop app, try opening your
> settings and typing `workmode`.
> A pop-up should show up asking if you\'re willing to enable workmode.
> Submit and enjoy being able to hide the muted chats in your chats
> list.
### Mute
### Schedule messages
> Open the Telegram app updated to the version 5.11 or higher.
> Enter in the individual or group chat that you want to schedule a
> message for.
> Write the message and hold down the send button.
> Tap Schedule Message and set a date and time for the content to be
> sent.
> Tap the lower button to leave the message scheduled. [^1]
### Archive
### Grouping
[^1]: <>

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Video 101

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# Algorithmic Editing
- [A Brief History of Algorithmic Editing](
- [Why should machines make art?](
### Short
- [How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Video Editing](
- [A new algorithm makes editing video as easy as editing text](
- [Immersive mediums replace thought](
- <>
## Tools
### Commercial
#### Magisto
### [AviSynth](
### [Auto-Editor](
### Video
- Video Puppet
### Audio
### Codecs
## Inspiring projects
- <>
- <>
- <>
- [narra project AKA CAS in the past](

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# anarcheology
-[Anarchive as technique in the Media Archaeology Lab | building a one Laptop Per Child mesh network] (

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# Annotation
## incubation

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# Artificial Intelligence
## artsy fartsy
- [Creativity x Machine Learning](
- 👋I'm Emil, a resident at the Google Arts & Culture Lab. I've curated a collection of Machine Learning experiments.
## Video
### upscale
- gaia CG
- artemis
- dobra na glitche a textury
### slowmo
### [[magenta]]
[VeIGAN: Vectorial Inpainting Generative Adversarial Networks for Depth Maps Object Removal](
### DeepSVG
deepSVG -

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# Backlinks
kind of a big deal in rome

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# Dendron
- (
## onboarding

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# digital garden
#knowledge #project
## Theory
### Articles
- [A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden](
- [Digital Gardening by Maggie Appleton]( !!!
- [The Swale: Weaving between Garden and Stream](
- [NeoCyborgs](
- [...sharing in an attempt to “work with the garage doors open”" / Twitter](
### Gardens
- [Second-Brain](
- A curated list of awesome Public Zettelkastens 🗄️ / Second Brains 🧠 / Digital Gardens 🌱
- [maggieappleton](
- [Andy Matuschak](
- - [nikitavoloboev/knowledge: Everything I know](
### Knowledge Managment
- [Every Page Is Page One](
- [PARA]( #para
- [Clean Up Your Mess - A Guide to Visual Design for Everyone](
- [Immersive mediums replace thought](
- [nikitavoloboev/knowledge: Everything I know](
- [Memex Dreams Szymon Kaliski](
## tools
### instruments
#### [obsidian](obsidian)
#### [[dendron]]
#### [markdown](markdown)
### tools - wiki
#### tiddlywiki
- saving
#### mediawiki
#### [Growi](
- 『Markdown × Wiki × Free』
### Related - hyperlinks
#### [inform](
#### [pile](
#### [sdbs hedgedoc](
### Related internal
#### [filetag](filetag)
## almost essential to sort out
- [ ] jak syncovat tento document
- [x] syncthing
- [x] markdown server/parser => [gardenserver](
- [ ] folders?
- [ ] how to aproach
- [ ] folders x vaults
- [ ] vaults x domains
- ![ ](folder_scheme.png) ?
- ! [ ](Pasted%20image%2020201009004929.png)
- x x
- [x] webmentions?
## To Sort

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## Modes of Operation
rendering X learning X mining
### 1/ [AI](#AI) _how?_
### 2/ [3D](#3D)]
### 3/ [coins](#coins) _?_
## GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
### Specs
Maximum Graphics Card Power (W) 250
#### Cores
CUDA Cores 3584
Graphics Clock (MHz) 1480
Processor Clock (MHz) 1582
#### Memory
Standard Memory Config 11 GB GDDR5X
Memory Interface Width 352-bit
Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec) 11 Gbps
#### Supported Technologies
SLI, CUDA, 3D Vision, PhysX, NVIDIA G-SYNC™, GameStream, ShadowWorks, DirectX 12, Virtual Reality, Ansel
### Questions
#### Interkonektivity
>SLI allows two, three, or four graphics processing units (GPUs) to share the workload when rendering real-time 3D computer graphics.
>Not all motherboards with multiple PCI-Express x16 slots support SLI.
#### Machine Learning
##### System setup for ^
## 3D
### Blender
#### sheepit
- cant manage plenty of stuff
## AI
### [openAI](
#### [jukebox](
- [ ] 16gb VRAM?
#### openAI gym
### [magenta](
### tensorflow
### EBsynth
### runwayML
## coins
- Efektivni vs. efektni?
- bitcoin? [[ethereum]] ?
??????? ???????
??????? ???????

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# file system
[making computers better - how we store and collaborate on our work](

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# filetag
#knowledge #media
_How to organize and tag local files?_
_How to work with various media files?_
## Tools
## [[Filesystem]] related
#### [Everything](
- Windows file indexation + search
- linux alternative:
#### [tagspaces](
- file manager + tagger ==> organizer
- + digital asset managment
- multiplatform
#### [tmsu](
>TMSU is a tool for tagging your files. It provides a simple command-line tool for applying tags and a virtual filesystem so that you can get a tag-based view of your files from within any other program.
### Digital Asset Managment
_Operations on a collection of digital assets require the use of a computer application implementing digital asset management to ensure that the owner, and possibly their delegates, can perform operations on the data files._
#### [entermediadb](
#### [ResourceSpace](
#### [Phraseanet](
## Related
### [media annotation](media%20annotation)
### [algo_edit](algo_edit)

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# Flat-file database
# Essential
>A flat-file database is a database stored in a file called a flat file. Records follow a uniform format, and there are no structures for indexing or recognizing relationships between records. The file is simple. A flat file can be a plain text file, or a binary file. Relationships can be inferred from the data in the database, but the database format itself does not make those relationships explicit.
>The term has generally implied a small database, but very large databases can also be flat.
> -

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# hypertext
## blazers summary
- [Web, který nebyl: Xanadu a alternativní pojetí hypertextu](
## etc
>My internet is substantially quieter than yours, and teaches me new things every day.
> - [Bruce Sterling](
>If someone thinks putting work online or putting subtitles on a video or turning the volume up or having a transcript compromises the experience, then we dont need to work together. Surprisingly, these are rebuttals I hear mostly from administrators and curators— rarely from artists. Im very fortunate in that I commission new work almost exclusively from artists, specifically for the digital space, so these are conversations that were having at the outset, not after the fact, and even that isnt enough. I could and need to do more.
>- [What We Mean When We Rant about Digital Art](

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# image [[annotation]]
#media #annotation
[Identity—Linux Apps on Flathub](

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# interface
## incubation
[making computers better - how we interact with our tools](
UI UX...........................

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- Odložím si

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# knowledge managment
## Essential
>Knowledge management (KM) is the process of creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and information of an organization.[1] It refers to a multidisciplinary approach to achieve organisational objectives by making the best use of knowledge.[2]
>Personal knowledge management (PKM) is a process of collecting information that a person uses to gather, classify, store, search, retrieve and share knowledge in their daily activities (Grundspenkis 2007) and the way in which these processes support work activities (Wright 2005). It is a response to the idea that knowledge workers need to be responsible for their own growth and learning (Smedley 2009). It is a bottom-up approach to knowledge management (KM) (Pollard 2008).
### Memex
>The memex (originally coined "at random",[1] though sometimes said to be a portmanteau of "memory" and "index"[2]) is the name of the hypothetical proto-hypertext system that Vannevar Bush described in his 1945 The Atlantic Monthly article "As We May Think". Bush envisioned the memex as a device in which individuals would compress and store all of their books, records, and communications, "mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility". The memex would provide an "enlarged intimate supplement to one's memory".[3] The concept of the memex influenced the development of early hypertext systems (eventually leading to the creation of the World Wide Web) and personal knowledge base software.[4] The hypothetical implementation depicted by Bush for the purpose of concrete illustration was based upon a document bookmark list of static microfilm pages and lacked a true hypertext system, where parts of pages would have internal structure beyond the common textual format. Early electronic hypertext systems were thus inspired by memex rather than modeled directly upon it.
## Methodologies and theory
[Knowledge Managment](
### Zettelkasten
>A zettelkasten consists of many individual notes with ideas and other short pieces of information that are taken down as they occur or are acquired. The notes are numbered hierarchically, so that new notes may be inserted at the appropriate place, and contain metadata to allow the note-taker to associate notes with each other. For example, notes may contain tags that describe key aspects of the note, and they may reference other notes. The numbering, metadata, format and structure of the notes is subject to variation depending on the specific method employed.
### PARA
### Evergreen notes
- [Evergreen notes](
### MOC
- Map Of Content
>MOCs are more than just a structure/hub/outline note.
>(1) **MOCs are incubators**. Place notes in there and let them marinate. You can see exactly this use case, upon download of the text files, here: [On the process of forging evergreen notes 214](
>I have not seen any examples of hub/outline/structure notes used in this capacity.
>(2) **MOCs are curated workbenches** where ideas go to war for positioning. In an MOC, ideas are encouraged to be organized in very fluid ways: by intuition, by priority, in sequence, alphabetically, et cetera. This shuffling of ideas is like having 20 index cards on a workbench and figuring out all their foundational relationships—yet evolving the content on the note cards at the same time.
>I will provide the exact use case of this awesome power and link to it »here«. And it truly is awesome once you start using it. I have not seen any examples of hub/outline/structure notes used in this capacity.
>(3) **MOCs are summations of thought on the topic**. As MOCs mature, they can evolve into something closer to a more static annotated Table of Contents (TOC). This is the one use case that Ive seen for hub/structure/outline notes.
### UDC
>The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is a bibliographic and library classification representing the systematic arrangement of all branches of human knowledge organized as a coherent system in which knowledge fields are related and inter-linked.
## Tools
>A management information base (MIB) is a database used for managing the entities in a communication network.
- notion
- [obsidian](
- [[dendron]]
- [tiddlywiki](
- [digital garden](]
- [neuron](
- [memex](
## [Memory](memory)
## In history of arts, etc
>Art history is not linear;although it is often taughtas such.Culture is a multi-dimensionalnetwork that feeds and buildsupon itself in a mashup thattranscends time.
- gombrich
- linearity vs. media archeology
# To Sort
- #video

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# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# --------------------------------------------
# \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

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# magenta
## 101
## Articles
## Toolsets
### NSynth
### [ToneTransfer](
- press
>>The model we use for pitch detection (SPICE: extracts the dominant pitch. The known limitation at this point is that it doesn't work well with polyphonic audio, and if you try to extract pitch from audio with multiple concurrent pitches (including microtones), you'll find that the estimation will bounce around between pitches. There are some configuration options in the colab ( that you can use to filter out pitches by amplitude.
#### Training
> This notebook demonstrates how to install the DDSP library and train it for synthesis based on your own data using our command-line scripts. If run inside of Colab, it will automatically use a free Google Cloud GPU.
> At the end, you'll have a custom-trained checkpoint that you can download to use with the DDSP Timbre Transfer Colab.
### [Drums Transcription](
### [Making an Album with Music Transformer](
## TPU

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# magnet links
## generator
## trackers

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>Because there is no limit to the number of possible map projections, there can be no comprehensive list.
>a map is a (usually fixed) representation to help navigate a space—it wouldnt necessarily contain the kind of qualitative inquiry youre referring to.

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# markdown
>Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible.
>Readability, however, is emphasized above all else. A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like its been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.
>It makes it riddiculously easy to write a text document without having to take your fingers off the keyboard and use the mouse or look up some complex html tag. It is also really easy to read for someone who doesnt even know markdown.
## 101
### markdown emojis
## Tools
- - [pdf2md]( - in browser but local
- [Docs to Markdown - G Suite Marketplace](
- gdocs to markdown converter
- [fyodor - My Clippings to markdown]( :+1:
- my clippings to markdown files converter #kindle
- [MarkDownload]( :+1:
- Markdown Web Clipper #firefox
- [MarkMap](
- markdown + mindmap
### going online
- inform vs. informal
- [gardenserver]( //our own
- [madness](
- [digital garden with Obsidian](
- [markdown-folder-to-html - npm](
- [allmark - the markdown server](
- [Eleventy Garden](
- [Obsidian to HTML converter](
- [Publish your Obsidian Vault to your Digital Garden](
#### examples
### going pdf
#### [Pandoc](
- If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife.
- [pandoc-markdown-to-pdf](
## android

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#media #annotation #inform #avg
# Media [[annotation]], referencing
* Anvil
* It offers multi-layered annotation based on a user-defined coding scheme. During coding the user can see color-coded elements on multiple tracks in time-alignment. Some special features are cross-level links, non-temporal objects, timepoint tracks, coding agreement analysis, 3D viewing of motion capture data and a project tool for managing whole corpora of annotation files. Originally developed for gesture research in 2000, ANVIL is now being used in many research areas including human-computer interaction, linguistics, ethology, anthropology, psychotherapy, embodied agents, computer animation and oceanography.
* []( "")
* VideoAnt is a web-based video annotation tool for mobile and desktop devices. Use VideoAnt to add annotations, or comments, to web-hosted videos. VideoAnt-annotated videos are called “Ants”. VideoAnt is a web-based video annotation tool for mobile and desktop devices. Use VideoAnt to add annotations, or comments, to web-hosted videos. VideoAnt-annotated videos are called “Ants”. Export your annotations in a variety of data formats. You can even embed your Ants on a personal website, learning management system, or anywhere HTML is allowed.
* []( "")
* PureRef
* PureRef is a stand-alone program for Windows, Mac and Linux that keeps track of your images. Whether you're gathering inspiration, making mood boards or need reference images for your painting or 3D model, PureRef is there so you can focus on creating.
* []( "")
* Quixel bridge
* With its custom import, channel packing, and automated export features, Bridge allows you to manage your assets in one place like never before. The days of manual shader setup, image conversion or sensitive folder structures are over; welcome to the future of asset management.
* []( "")
* Lignes de Temps
* The Lignes de Temps software takes advantage of the analysis and synthesis possibilities offered by digital media. Inspired by the « timelines » commonly used on digital editing benches, Lignes de Temps offers a graphic representation of a film, revealing from the outset, and in extenso, its cuttings. Lignes de Temps offers in this a new access to the film, substituting for the logic of constrained scrolling that constitutes the experience of any movie viewer, and for the purposes of analysis, the « mapping » of a temporal object. Also, by selecting a segment of a timeline, the user has direct access to the corresponding clip or sequence in the movie, a sequence that can be described and analyzed by textual, audio, video, or documented by images or internet links.
* []( "")
#### Online unsorted
* []( "")
* []( "")
* []( "")
* []( "")

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# Memory
## Articles, etc.
- Vilém Flusser - ["On Memory (Electronic or Otherwise)"](/images/4/4b/Flusser_Vilem_1990_On_Memory_Electronic_or_Otherwise.pdf "Flusser Vilem 1990 On Memory Electronic or Otherwise.pdf"), _Leonardo_ 23:4 (1990), pp 397-399. Adapted from a presentation at [Ars Electronica](/Ars_Electronica "Ars Electronica"), 14 Sep 1988. (English)
- Memory in Motion Archives, Technology and the Social
- [AUGMENTING HUMAN INTELLECT : A Conceptual Framework. October 1962. By D. C. Engelbart](
## incubation
- second brain
### Kiergaard
- memory x repetion

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# mermaid
- [ ] example file
- [x] ef gearogram?
- [x]
- [ ] [[EDL]] ?
## 101
## Mermaid usecase extended
- mermaid notation
- -->
- [[EDL]]
- input list
## Mermaid friendly software
- [[hedgedoc]]
- [[obsidian]]
# Mermaid 101
## Diagrams that mermaid can render:
## Flowchart
graph TD; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->D;
## Sequence diagram
sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->>John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br/>prevail! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
## Gantt diagram
gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid excludes weekdays 2014-01-10 section A section Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d Future task : des3, after des2, 5d Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
Class diagram - experimental
classDiagram Class01 <|-- AveryLongClass : Cool Class03 *-- Class04 Class05 o-- Class06 Class07 .. Class08 Class09 --> C2 : Where am i? Class09 --* C3 Class09 --|> Class07 Class07 : equals() Class07 : Object[] elementData Class01 : size() Class01 : int chimp Class01 : int gorilla Class08 <--> C2: Cool label
Git graph - experimental
gitGraph: options { "nodeSpacing": 150, "nodeRadius": 10 } end commit branch newbranch checkout newbranch commit commit checkout master commit commit merge newbranch
Entity Relationship Diagram - experimental
erDiagram CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : uses
User Journey Diagram
journey title My working day section Go to work Make tea: 5: Me Go upstairs: 3: Me Do work: 1: Me, Cat section Go home Go downstairs: 5: Me Sit down: 5: Me

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# music notation / [annotation](DigitalGardenAnabasis/
## musicXML
>MusicXML is an XML-based file format for representing Western musical notation. The format is open, fully documented, and can be freely used
## Incubation

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#knowledge #tool
# obsidian
_marketeering message_
>A second brain,
for you, forever.
>Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of
a local folder of plain text Markdown files.
## alternatives
_Obsidian is open source, but stil commercial project. Here is list of open source alternatives:_
- [Dendron](
- supports export
- [joplin](
## 101
- [Free Course for Beginners | Obsidian Note-Taking App]( #video
- [Productivity Guru](
- [Obsidian Keyboard Shortcuts](
- lists
## workflows
_Obsidian focused, but general points are made._
- [Clean Up Your Mess - A Guide to Visual Design for Everyone](
- [Example Workflows in Obsidian - Share & showcase - Obsidian Forum](
- #para
- [Personal Knowledge Management with Zettelkasten and Obsidian](
-[obsidian and zettelkasten](
- [The life-changing magic of refactoring notes](
## tools
- flowcharts
- [X] etherpad to #[[markdown]]
- autolink
- obs utils
- obmd clipper
### kindle
- [fyodor]( #1 :+1:
- [web clipper and kindle high-lighter] #kindle
- [klipbook](
- [kindlehighlights](
## CSS
[Notice blocks - warning, info, success, danger blocks - Share & showcase - Obsidian Forum](
tag pills
## tutorials
## issues
- aliases
- there are no [[backlinks]] aliases
- python tools here and there
- vaults in vaults?
- asi v pohode
# incubation
### tools
Much of Justins stuff is useful, but I list this one specifically as an excellent introduction to [[[[markdown]]]], and how to use it effectively to take notes.
Scripts And External Tools
dotfiles/agenda at master · blay/dotfiles · GitHub
Not specifically for Obsidian, but works well with it, this script compiles an agenda from a specifically formatted collection of [[markdown]] files. A good starting point for making your own.

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# openAI
## Jukebox

opio_viewer.png (Stored with Git LFS) Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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# Portfolio generators
## Basic prototype
- [[markdown]] and media files in single file tree aka [[vault]]
- render
- --> web
- --> pdf //can be interactive
- --> printable file //probably pdf
- --> etc
- media files
- archive vs. presentation media files
## Managment
- managment through
- [filetag](
- [media annotation](media%20annotation)
- ...
- [[tagspaces]] for [digital asset managment](digital%20asset%20managment)
- [obsidian]( or similiar
- how to understand media files and their renders?
- yaml
- naming convetions
## Going ONLINE
### Plan of Action mk. JEKYLL
#### Essentials
- uses [[markdown]]
- CLI / coding heavy, but!
- general templates can be created
- [ ] how to avoid all portfolios looking the same?
- additionally, cost of set-up for non-computerandos not too high
- [GitLab CI]( can be used to build and deploy (!) websites
- no previews though
- pre-setup [[anabasis]] machines?
#### Minimal requirements on users
- [[markdown]] knowledge
- [[git]] user knowledge (?)
- no reasonable user-friendly GUI :(
#### Features / Workflows
- full page (e.g. about, contact, history...) = single [[markdown]] file
- **OR** [[markdown]] files as separate page components/blocks (i.e. portfolios)
- annotation with [[yaml metadata]], which allows for:
- sorting by date, name, project, medium...
- automatic inclusion into pages (if specified by template)
- living example:
- (each tool a single .md file)
- result = single folder of plain HTML files
- allows for embedding of dynamic content (videos, javascripten, blinkenlichten)
#### Example of a component markdown file
name: kollagen
stage: beta
live-url: /tools/kollagen/
- image
- experimental
*kollagen* is a random image mashup/collage generator. Mostly for fun and [kun saxan]( image feed.
### Plan of action mk. Wordpress (???)

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- [Programming Your Own Channel](

portfolio Normal file
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# Porfolio CMS
__Web portfolios old notes__
- general
- ***

portfolio Normal file
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# Portfolio generators
## Basic prototype
- [[markdown]] and media files in single file tree aka [[vault]]
- render
- --> web
- --> pdf //can be interactive
- --> printable file //probably pdf
- --> etc
- media files
- archive vs. presentation media files
## Managment
- managment through
- [filetag](
- [media annotation](media%20annotation)
- ...
- [[tagspaces]] for [digital asset managment](digital%20asset%20managment)
- [obsidian]( or similiar
- how to understand media files and their renders?
- yaml
- naming convetions
## Going ONLINE
### Plan of Action mk. JEKYLL
#### Essentials
- uses [[markdown]]
- CLI / coding heavy, but!
- general templates can be created
- [ ] how to avoid all portfolios looking the same?
- additionally, cost of set-up for non-computerandos not too high
- [GitLab CI]( can be used to build and deploy (!) websites
- no previews though
- pre-setup [[anabasis]] machines?
#### Minimal requirements on users
- [[markdown]] knowledge
- [[git]] user knowledge (?)
- no reasonable user-friendly GUI :(
#### Features / Workflows
- full page (e.g. about, contact, history...) = single [[markdown]] file
- **OR** [[markdown]] files as separate page components/blocks (i.e. portfolios)
- annotation with [[yaml metadata]], which allows for:
- sorting by date, name, project, medium...
- automatic inclusion into pages (if specified by template)
- living example:
- (each tool a single .md file)
- result = single folder of plain HTML files
- allows for embedding of dynamic content (videos, javascripten, blinkenlichten)
#### Example of a component markdown file
name: kollagen
stage: beta
live-url: /tools/kollagen/
- image
- experimental
*kollagen* is a random image mashup/collage generator. Mostly for fun and [kun saxan]( image feed.
### Plan of action mk. Wordpress (???)

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# Self-hosting
## Essential
>Self-hosting is the use of a computer program as part of the toolchain or operating system that produces new versions of that same program—for example, a that can compile its own source code. Self-hosting software is commonplace on personal computers and larger systems. Other programs that are typically self-hosting include kernels, assemblers, command-line interpreters and revision control software.
> -
### Abstract Pragma
- personal computer as
- server
- bridge to server
- [[anabasis]] computers
## Tools
### [syncthing](
### [[ipfs]]
### [[torrent]]
## Relative

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media ecology

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# Stream
#OUTPOSTS #backbone #theory
>While it is still true that everything on the Web is
[digitally] preprogrammed, the notion of a
dictatorship of the [hyper]link carries less weight.
… The open architecture of the Web lends itself
to the accumulation of analog effects. The
increase in image and sound content alongside
text provides more opportunities for resonance
and interference between thought, sensation, and
perception. A crucial point is that all the sense
modalities are active in even the most apparently
monosensual activity. … Given the meagerness of
the constituent links on the level of formal
inventiveness or uniqueness of content, what
makes surfing the Web compelling can only be
attributed to an accumulation of effect, or …
momentum, continuing across the linkages.
(Massumi, 2002: 140-141)
## conflicts
### Live vs. Background
### Active layer vs. passive perception
## toolsets
### [annotation](
### chat

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# syncthing
## 101
## issues
- folder within folders?
- android read-only

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i use tags as a "state" manager mostly.
#📥️ Seed box | items that i am / will be actively working on
#🌱️ Seedlings | distilled from literature notes
#🌞️ Incubator | items not yet ready for planting or in need of planting
#🌲️ Evergreen | forest notes
#:label: Tag Notes
And finally some for just keeping important things find-able for me
#✅️ Items that have tasks that i need to complete
#:map: Maps of Content (the emerging organizational structure)
#:gear: General utilities i use in this system
i take my daily notes
in my private journal (daily's) i put my normal content but i also say what i read/watched/listened to that day as incoming literature/content notes:
today was a great day, i ate a chocolate muffin while reading [[How To Take Smart Notes]] by [[@Sohnke Ahrens]]
now i have a link to [[How To Take Smart Notes]] & [[@Sohnke Ahrens]]
on my link to the book i will put my literature notes using my media templates and it gets assigned the #📥️ tag as it is literature notes in my inbox to process
then i make my notes, my pure thought notes which are new seedings #🌱️ and when i flesh them out and they are basically done just not densely linked or i have no where to file them yet, or they just need to be added to over some time then they are put into the incubator: #🌞️ until they are ready for planting, when they are densely linked and ready for "planting" in my evergreen forest they get a #🌲because they are now my evergreen notes.
on the graph now it can show me which notes are #🌱️ and #🌞️ and i can see where they may fit in in the macro view of my ZK graph
my #:label: notes are what many usually use tags for like: #productivity, #business #python, #html, i use notes for this instead. because when the note itself gets a lot of linked references i can see the prevalence of that topic in my ZK, and having that file already makes it easier to set up MOC's like [[Programming]] that have links to [[python]] and [[html]]
this allows me to easily deal with the emerging structure over time
INDEX --> MOC's --> subjects --> jumping off point notes --> the minutia
and with the graph filtering for files that dont exist, or tags it really makes this workflow nice for me as i can easily get down into the weeds of my content and material and get down to linking things up better over time.
and with my #🌲️ notes i can start writing with an outline that could look like this:
- topic
- [[ADHD hyperfocus is a double edged sword of both deep work and avoidance]]
- [[With poor executive function even activities you would like to do become difficult to approach]]
- [[Tasks that are not atomized and cannot be finished in a single step are projects]]
- [[cloze deletion improves memorization with context rich active recall]]
- [[Bottom up writing prevents confirmation bias and provide a shorter and iterative feedback loop]]
and makes it so i can just connect thoughts and flesh out the gaps and form those narrative stories in my writing or video scripts.
p.s. this s*** is so fun

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# Tagspaces
>TagSpaces is an offline, open source, cross-platform file browser.
>It helps organizing your files and folders with tags and colors.
[TagSpaces official site](
## Alternatives
- hihhieeehheheheh

upend_notes_tmp.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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[te st](test)
Obsidian issues
- [Nested vaults](

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- information tracer? [[digital garden]]