- Drawing on Fournel, and on his analysis of the poetry of Baudelaire, [Walter Benjamin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Benjamin "Walter Benjamin") described the _flâneur_ as the essential figure of the modern urban spectator, an amateur detective and investigator of the city. More than this, his _flâneur_ was a sign of the alienation of the city and of capitalism. For Benjamin, the _flâneur_ met his demise with the triumph of [consumer capitalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_capitalism "Consumer capitalism").[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fl%C3%A2neur#cite_note-benjamin-7)
**Information is like a bank. Some of us are rich, some of us are poor with information. All of us can be rich. Our job - your job is to rob the bank, to kill the guard. We go out there to destroy everybody, who keeps and hides the whole information. Genesis P. Orridge **